[i]Pharmacology isn't all that awful.[/i] Ren turned a page. [i]It could come quite handy knowing how to properly poison someone...[/i] Chuckling to himself. He was beginning to relax more. That one drink had somehow turned into four, and he was feeling cool as a cucumber right about now. Ren was brushing hair out of his eyes, about to turn a page when suddenly startled out of his focus by an obnoxious song playing loudly. Looking abruptly around him, he found the source of the noise. The woman in the booth next to him had a frown upon her face when she looked at her phone, answering in a voice loud enough for the whole bar to hear. The word DC-7 rang a bell. Remembering a conversation between his grandfather and father a long time ago.[i] Something about planes?[/i] Ren watched the woman hang up the phone, brows furrowing. He kept on looking as she removed her sunglasses - [i] Strange thing to wear indoors.[/i] - and met his gaze. [color=deepskyblue]"Sorry about that, you know work always calls at the worst time. Hope I did not throw you off your place..." "Good book?"[/color] His eyes widened for a second before Ren could compose his face back into a look of boredom. Looking down at his book and up again to regain his footing, his eyes locking in on hers - Grey meeting brown. The blonde woman's mouth curled up at the corners, eyes twinkling with amusement at her own joke.[i] How mature.[/i] [color=lightsteelblue][i]"Yes... [/i][/color] He sucked on his tooth. [color=lightsteelblue][i] "Book's just so enchanting that I needed four of these not to get [i]too[/i] excited."[/i][/color] His hand gesturing towards the empty glasses beside him, squinting at the woman. Ren had no idea why this woman was talking to him. [i]Maybe she's lost?[/i] [color=lightsteelblue][i]"Anyhow, don't worry. It takes more than an annoying ring tone and loud chatter to throw me off." [/i][/color] He snickered. Suddenly feeling the need to relieve himself, Ren stood up faster than he should've. The bar started spinning. With little to no breakfast, those drinks hit him harder than they should've. He swayed a bit, taking a couple of steps to steady himself and gripping the bench wall connecting their booths. Ren inhaled slowly through his nose, and stalked off to the bathroom. Avoiding the look the woman sent him. When he returned, there were a few drops of water trickling down his neck. His face looked more fresh, like he'd just gushed water on it. The rest of his face was blank. He walked back to the booth the woman was sitting in, and sank down opposite of her. [color=lightsteelblue][i] "So, miss aviator.[/i][/color] Ren's eyes twinkled with mischievousness. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"You're just going to let Ivan push you around like that on your day off?" [/i][/color] [hr] [@PrinceAlexus]