[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hider=Pokemon] [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Spr_5b_361.png[/img] Sno, Snorunt Level 8 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/94/Spr_5b_060.png[/img] Poli, Poliwag Level 3 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_443_m.png[/img] Gibs, Gible Level 6 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 6 Potion 6 Pokeballs 1 Guide to Mt. Strength 400P [/hider][hr][hr] Although not entirely to plan, they still ended up with the scroll. [color=6ecff6]"Whew. Nicely done everyone!"[/color] Erika had prepared further praise for their efforts before entering the gauntlet of trench-crawling and whirlwind-evading, but unfortunately the wording inside the scroll left a lot to be desired. [color=6ecff6]"The Trail Master is Amazing."[/color] Erika said the sentence out loud, sounding disappointed, expecting a clue or detail about an additional reward. [color=6ecff6]"Well.. at least we got it."[/color] Fast-forwarding to when they were all committed with the trench idea, Erika didn't really anticipate those three far Pidgeotto to leave their perch to get opportune positions for a whirlwind. Erika didn't know if they could count on them being safe enough to carry on with the original plan. It was true, laying down like this in the trench would probably prevent them from just sliding off the edge of the trail but would the force of the wind knock them into each and then slip out? Erika didn't know but she wasn't just going to let that Pidgeotto try without some resistance. With a quick maneuver, she released Sno from her Pokeball and pulled her in a close hug as there wasn't a lot of room in this trench. Sno wasn't exactly necessary for this next part of Erika's impromptu plan but she might help. Speaking of plan, it was nice that Erika had spent a lot of time training with her mother. She was taught a lot of things and at this particular point remembered Zubats could cause a really annoying condition. [color=6ecff6]"Um. Joshua quick! Have Zubat use supersonic on the Pidgeotto! Sno, use double team and have your copies run around everywhere. Cause mass confusion!"[/color] Was this the best plan? Probably not. There was no guarantee any of this would work but it might give them enough time for Gibs to finish the first stretch of trench.