[color=fff200][b]Rick Noel – Salem – Noon [/b][/color] Rick headed towards the museum, where the deathclaw had emerged. It was foolish of him to do so; after all there could be other lingering creatures. Nevertheless, he needed to make sure no more danger emerged from the building. He rounded the corner with his gun ready, thought with a broken stock, and turned into the gaping hole of the old museum. He turned away in disgust, as a foul stench emanated from the building. He covered his nose with his shirt, but even that was too much. The pack of deathclaws had done a number in there, and it reeked. He leaned against the wall, but from the quick view he got, there was no movement, not that he wanted to double check. However his stomach turned as he say the mutilated super mutant dropped by the deathclaw, with its missing had. However, the weapon next to it highly interested him. The Gatling laser dropped by this mutie would prove invaluable. After all, this town lacked in defenses and this gun could be converted into a powerful turret to defend the town, or at least an area of it. He went o grab it but the muties hand was tightly wrapped around it. He tried to loosen its grip but no good. He thought for a bit, and then began to stomp on the hand, over and over again, bones crunched and blood splattered, but soon the weapon was free. He did his best to pick it up but it was heavy. He pulled the fusion core out, and placed that in his pack, and then continued to drag the weapon next to him towards the town. He stopped part way, as he came about a dead mutie holding a combat rifle, with the same stock he used to have. He grabbed it, planning to replace the one on his broken rifle. The fighting in town had subsided, it sounded as if the turrets in town had been activated. Why they took so long, was another matter. He dragged the gatling laser and placed it next to the diner. He looked at the dead deathclaw that lay there at the old intersection, and rick slowly walked over to it. He checked the rifle he had grabbed from the mutie, and made sure it was loaded as he approached. He had never seen a deathclaw up front, and this was a rare opportunity to miss. His natural curiosity took hold of him, and he needed to check it out up close. Even as it lay dead on the ground, it possessed a menacing look. He looked at its claw, and squatted to take a closer look. He pushed his glasses and slowly reached for the creature and touched the claw. It was solid, and sharp; felt like sharpened combat knife made of fine steel. He looked at its horn and how it spiraled up. It sort of reminded him of a drill bit, in this case a highly sharpened drill bit. What terrified him though was its teeth. How many it possessed, all finely sharpened, almost looked like a bunch of knives coming out of its mouth. How in nature such a creature came to be, was beyond him. It seemed like a sick experiment by a twisted scientist, unleashed upon the wastes. Rick turned towards the diner, when he heard a loud scream. He readied the gun and made his way over but stopped as he saw ace laying in front of church with a pile of wood on top of him, along with the earlier armored mutie he had seen before. He stood there, but decided to check diner first as that’s where screaming came from, it could mean there was another small deathclaw running about. He pushed open the door as it lay on its hinges, and it crumpled to the ground. There stood a short woman, Celeste if he wasn’t mistaken screaming. Rick looked down and there lay a dead young deathclaw, and another man crumpled on the ground. He looked at Celeste, and made motion for her to quiet down. He went over to the man, Rick looked around and grabbed a piece of broken glass and placed it by the man’s mouth and nose. He watched it fog up, telling him he was still alive. He looked over at Celeste, “we need a plank or something to move him, don’t want to pick him up in case he broke anything.