[color=a0410d][i][h1]Onyx Bright[/h1][/i][/color][hr][quote][color=gold]"I certainly won't hold you here."[/color][/quote] Onyx looked back up at Dujae as he spoke, a small smile on her face. That was that then, she and Kirara would be out of his hair as soon as they ate. The barman came over and took their orders, Onyx getting herself and Kirara a meal to share. As Dujae dropped a bag of gold on the table, she narrowed her eyes at him slightly, but said nothing. If he wanted to get drunk, she couldn't really stop him... though it was difficult to hold herself back from starting her usual speach about how [i]some[/i] alcohol was okay, but not too much. [color=a0410d]"You have to look out for your health you kn-"[/color] Kirara stopped her from continuing, the Scelt standing up on the table and putting his paw on her face. [color=f9ad81]"Big sister should eat before lecturing people."[/color] He sat facing her now, a look on his face that could almost be considered Stern. [color=f9ad81]"Food is almost here."[/color] Onyx laughed quietly, more to herself than anything. [color=a0410d]"Okay, okay. I know how you hate having to listen to my chiding Little Brother."[/color] She sat back on her chair, watching the strange interaction between Dujae, Faeril and the newcomer, the woman Isadora. Isadora said nothing to either of them, yet Onyx still got a sudden feeling of wariness. Glancing between the two women, she began to realize something. She couldn't understand Faeril's interest in the Prince before, but if she were a Widow... Just as she made the connection in her mind, Dujae stood suddenly, the air growing colder as he moved to confront someone at a nearby table. Kirara's fur stood on end as her hopped down off the table and began to move towards the door, yipping at Onyx as she stood too. [color=a0410d][i]Yep, time to go.[/i][/color] Once out on the street, and a fair distance from the inn, the two paused. She looked down at Kirara, who was now sitting by her feet, looking around them to make sure he wouldn't get run over by anyone in the crowd. [color=a0410d]"Sorry little brother. We'll eat at home. I believe I've had enough of people today...[/color] The Scelt seemed to nod at her, and the two started walking once again, heading to the edge of the city so they could hop on a wind going home. Before long, Onyx found herself being walked into by a small Hallylan woman. Kirara growled quietly as the girl spoke. [quote][color=#DB7093]ā€Iā€™m sorry for bumping into you,ā€[/color][/quote] Onyx nodded at the appology, saying [color=a0410d]"It's fine..[/color] See glanced down at Kirara in confusion as he kept growling however, and after a second she bent down to pick the Scelt up off the ground. She cuddled him in an effort to calm him down some, and the sound he made did get quieter, but his gaze was fixed on the little woman. [color=a0410d]"Little brother? What's wrong?"[/color] She spoke softly to him, stroking his fur as she did. He finally stopped growling as he answered her. [color=f9ad81]"She ran into you, and I don't like her."[/color] After a second the low growling sound returned, and Onyx glanced at the woman apologetically. [color=a0410d]"He's not normally like this... but you're fine. Just, watch where you're walking a little more, alright?"[/color] Onyx smiled kindly at the woman, the way she would at a patient. Considering the combination of her kind smile and the growling Scelt however, she had no idea how this woman would react. [@Landaus Five-One][@BlackPanther]