The other girl Elaine ran away, Eric watched as she left the arena, but as the teachers called the other girl down. Eric's attention turned away from Elaine to Sarah, he was pumped to watch this fight. [color=lightgreen]"Good Luck!"[/color] He shouted after her as she made her way down. But on the inside he was wondering how she was going to do, these fights had been made with certain pairs in mind and now this was a random variable, but he shrugged and sat back. As the fighters introduced himself he noted Sarah's ability to control water as they had the arena form small puddles of water. She dumped some muddy water on her opponent which solicited a laugh from him. But then as they started their fight, he saw the full extent of Cole's abilities. And then they went at it, the fight was intense and as he watched he felt less and less sure about himself and his ability to fit in here. He couldn't do anything, he would probably flunk out. Maybe even get kicked out, who knows he certainly didn't. This showed plainly on his face, and on the way he was grasping the bench his knuckles white, his usual smile a frown of concern. [color=lightgreen]"I'm not going to make it here."[/color] He said in a hushed whisper, he took his eyes off the fight and down to his feet. Staring into space. It was Lucky who brought him back, it was an innocent question about the fight. [color=lightgreen]"What? Oh, I think both of them are great fighters. It's probably going to be really close."[/color] He said, his voice sounded nervous but he forced a smile on his face, but refused Lucky's offer of a snack. He looked over at her and thought about what she could do, he wondered if he would last five seconds against her if they fought in the arena.