Ada's tendrils went straight for Oz. It was a good thing she didn't understand the gravity of his power. Oz made an immediate right-angle turn, defying logical laws of physics as he warped them to his advantage by changing the direction of his downward movement. He wove through the incoming tendrils, making sharp turns and moving at angles impossible to someone who didn't have the power to directly affect nature's laws. [color=violet]"I've got you now, witch."[/color] Oz moved in for a straight enough path toward Ada to project and throw a spear of force at her. He dipped up into the air and slowed to a hover over her where he began to project a dome from the base of his disc, intent on trapping her again and giving the others their chance to close the distance. If Oz could catch her, even for a few moments it could make all the difference to ending this swiftly and effectively.