[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Janet[/color][/h2][/center] [color=ed1c24]"Of course, I don't give a damn about whatever Legion Pirates, but I'm going to finish what's left, then become the Pirate King!"[/color] Janet exclaimed, stretching out her elbows upon finishing the remains of this tavern's battle. [color=ed1c24]"By the way, after all this is over, I need directions to One Piece~ I've just started out pirating a week ago, so I don't know much, haha."[/color] Janet continued, as if she is asking for the location of the nearest restaurant. Clearly she doesn't know anything, and it was a miracle that she had actually managed to reach this island. She turned for the docks, sulking upon seeing that she'd missed the fun. But on the bright side, the group are actually going to rob this ship as their first actual job as a pirate. She charged downhill, sending down one javelin to one of those masked men from the far back. [i]Better not put too much damage on the loot,[/i]