The next room, seemingly just a well-gardened hallway, has an open door on the other end of it, leading into a larger room beyond. The ground is well covered with flora and other sorts of foliage, somehow growing despite the lack of any sunlight. It's a bit worrisome, but you dont fret as you move on into the next room ahead. This was just a hallway after all. The next room, what you can only assume to be a final room, holds the tome you were hired to obtain on a pedestal lying before what seems to be an old dusty carcass, sitting on a throne, a rather characteristic blade resting on the lap of the skeleton ahead of you. He's clearly dead, but you can feel some kind of special energy flowing from something in the room. Something restless and powerful, from what you can assume. Common writing is engraved on the throne before you and your ragtag group. [color=bc8dbf][b]BLESSETH, YE WHO COME IN SEARCH OF POWER FROM THIS LAP THY DO NOT GLOWER THINE TOME WHICH LIE TITHER OBTAIN SAID KNOWLEDGE TO MAKE OTHERS WITHER[/b][/color] Gobbo clearly looks distressed as he runs to the corner and begins to knock on the only door in the room, a large wooden door clearly meant to hold something beyond it. Maybe it is of interest to you after you inspect this tome?