This is what I have so far, I might write up some more specific history and a couple other things (as requested!) [b]Name: [/b] Amrel (the Farm-burner, or sometimes derisively the Cow-tipper) [b]Personality:[/b] Amrel is a quick-tempered yet caring dragon. He has accidentally scorched many visitors because of his flashes of anger, and has, on occasion, set fields of corn on fire, earning him the nickname “The Farm-burner”. But despite the nasty reputation of most dragons, Amrel does not delight in violence. He enjoys his power but attempts to be just to his subjects, allowing many to see him and plead whatever their case may be. In fact, some unfollowed-up threats have seen many dub Amrel “The Cow-tipper”—he can strike no fear in the hearts of the masses. Of course, those that do dare to call him that to his face quickly regret it; those lucky enough to escape with just some singed hair and a burn or two certainly would not dare insult Amrel again. To his mate and child(ren?), Amrel is perhaps a bit rough but a strong bond lies underneath. He hopes to raise his young to someday reign over the land just as he does, and he strives to meet his mate’s every want and need. His family knows him as well-meaning, but they are also familiar with his occasional lack of empathy; Amrel sometimes fails to realize the consequences of his actions.