The guard raised his hands and shook them in a mocking fashion [color=gray]"I'm sorry princess. I thoroughly apologize for my incompetence."[/color] his tone was equally as mocking as his hand gesture. He managed to get a chuckle out of another guard with this, then proceeded to guide Estelle into the facility, all the walls where white, blindingly so. Everything that wasn't a person or plant just seemed to blend in to the white mess that was the walls. The guard then walked up to a counter and hit a bell making a sharp ring, then heavy boots could be heard stomping albeit muffled. Then a white sliding door opened revealing a rather bored looking man in a suit, he was conventionally handsome and well kept, his sharp brown hair contrasting his bright eyes. [color=springgreen]"The doves have been busy today haven't they?"[/color] He said as he looked down at Estelle from behind the counter. He then produce a forum and pen then began writing on it [color=springgreen]"Name."[/color] he asked simply looking at Estelle clearly wanting a quick response.