Chelki groaned, her head was killing. Luckily her good wing was able to break her fall so she didn't hurt anywhere but her wing. The warm wetness seeped out so much she was sure that whatever she was lying on must be completely red by now. Whatever colour it was she knew one thing and that was that it was incredibly uncomfortable. Something hard stuck into her back while something else crinkled every time she moved. "Hello? What are you doing in there?" The little voice hit her ears and Chelki opened her eyes. She was in an alley surrounded by garbage. Probably laying on it too, which explained why it felt so awful. Trash wasn't known for being a creature comfort. Her eyes darted all around her still looking for the voice, the only thing she could see was a fly sitting on the bag across from hers. [color=9966CC]"Hello? Who said that?"[/color] Her eyes darted all around her still looking for the voice, the only thing she could see was a fly sitting on the bag across from hers. Then her eyes settled on the little bug and for a moment she though she might be crazy. [color=9966CC]"Is that you speaking?"[/color] Chelki had a look of concern across her prominent brow. Mostly for her ownself. [hr] [@VerusEbullio]