Shion nodded, though she had no words to say as her rose would glow softly and she would snap her fingers. Ren watched the conversation, though she acted as if an order had been received, turning on her heel and exiting the room. Shion would stand, brushing her hair off her shoulders, stretching her arms above her head. Letting out a small groan, she placed her hands on her hips, shrugging her shoulders as she closed her eyes. Once she opened them, she waved her hand dismissively, though despite her nonsensical way of moving, the walls would shake. "[color=deepskyblue]After the...[i]enhancements[/i] the Ifrit bore proved to be more cumbersome and resulted in more than a few bruises, I decided to get an old friend of mine to steady the instability to make entering the Creature's mist-filled hell slightly smoother than our crash landing on the Phon Coast,[/color]" Shion stated. "[color=deepskyblue]And before you throw your fit, nothing was changed, things were merely fine-tuned to make the passage with regards to having more than just the pilot in the seat.[/color]" "[color=coral]What a relief,[/color]" Nadeline stated rather loudly, though she clapped her hands together. "[color=coral]Now, shall we go forth, guns ablaze?[/color]" "[color=darkorchid]I'm the only one with a gun,[/color]" Grant pointed out, much to her dismay. "[color=springgreen]What she means is that instead of talking, we actually go out there and finish this![/color]" Emiri declared. "[color=darkorchid]Then why not just say that--[/color]" "[color=springgreen]It's a saying, gods, Grant...[/color]"