[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4ho1UgJ.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU3MjMzOS5SR0YxWjJoMFpYSWdiMllnU21GemFHbHUuMA,,/south-gardens-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU3MjMzOS5RV3QxYm04Z1MzWEVxMjQsLjA,/hitch-hike.regular.png[/img] [sub][color=DC143C]Ex-Kumogakure | S-Rank Criminal | [i]The Immortal Priestess[/i][/color] [hr]TIME: 2 Days Before The Kage Summit at Dawn | Location: [u][url=http://www.therookies.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/concept-1.jpg]Land of lighting Temple of Jashin #4[/url][/u] | Interacting With:N/A[/sub][/center] Akuno lit the match and threw it at her former home, the entry temple building caught flame and it would spread soon, engulfing the entire temple and all the lifeless bodies that lay inside and out. The night before Akuno used her divine right and blessed everyone she called family, giving the highest honor of Jashin.....HA! You would expect her to feel like that, but really it was all for revenge, an eye for an eye, death for death. All those years ago she had a home, a husband, a little girl, a life, something simple and livable. That all went to hell when she got the letter, the fucking letter that contained her deep dark past all wrapped up in a average sized silver pendant. She had a choice, she could have thrown it away and never looked back but something inside of her drove her to wear it again and pick up [i]Kurushimi[/i](the scythe). Now she has returned to her "family" and given the them the sweet release that they longed for. As she walked away from the burning temple, early morning air now filled with the smell of burning corpses and wood, she thought about the journal that was in her hand. It belonged to the woman who had raised her and contained a detailed account of Akuno's life, what she was doing who she was with, her actions and decisions, this was something new and deep down might have actually meant this woman cared for her. It didn't matter now, the signal was sent, Akuno made her choice, and she lives on wandering in endless suffering and sin haunted by the face of her daughter. The tunnel made by Cockroach was a form of payment, aside form the lives she would take in Jashin's name, and it helped her tie up lose ends that were haunting the back of her mind. The deaths of everyone at that temple are her deaths, not some god's, not the other Jashinist, not even death holds a claim in this instance, no Akuno claims these deaths as payment for choosing the "right path" and allowing the beast within her to be born again. [hr][center][sub]TIME:Present Day- Early Morning| Location: [u] Yomigaeri HQ- Land of Wind Desert[/u] | Interacting With: Members of the Yomigaeri, [@BladeX][/sub][/center] Akuno gathered with the rest of the members at their HQ, this would be her fist time meeting any of them besides Cockroach and Seijuro but they all had reputations especially the General. She remembers hearing of him on the battle field during the second great festival, but everyone else she could only assume who they wear. even Akuno herself would be easily recognizable, the Jashin necklace, white hair red eyes, all characteristics of the Immortal Priestess. When Kareha spoke her comment made Akuno chuckle, their little band was anything but a gang fit them perfectly, a bunch of killers forced to trust in each other, what more does one need. After the General gave them the necessary information Akuno stood with some others and tapped the mans shoulder next to her, he was taller than her and his face was covered by a mask. [color=DC143C]"Why don't we go to the Sunagakure the Land of Wind has never been touched by Lord Jashin, and I am sure whatever is under that mask could use some sun.[/color] She said with a tap on the shoulder and began walking towards he exit. Hours Later it was early in the morning, the perfect time for a surprise attack. The sun had just risen, people where still asleep, it was cool in the desert perfect weather for wearing a dark cloak and mask. The journey had not been full of conversation, but the silence was comfortable and the few times they did talk it was to plan their assault. She has never been to Sunagakure or the Land of Wind, the nights were just as harsh as the days and she could only slightly appreciate that some strong sacrifices would be made to Lord Jashin today. People that thrived in these deserts deserved to be released from the deceitful clutches of life, and she would allow them the to experience the ultimate blessing. As they neared the village she began to wonder about her partner and decided to get more information on him. [color=DC143C]"Why do they call you the Black Dragon?"[/color] She said out of the blue as the village came into view. She was honestly interested the name was peculiar to her, she got the black part but had yet to see the dragon side of Chis. As the city came into view she dawned her black cloak and mask her way of signaling Chis that she was ready to move. He was her ally for now but that only meant she owed him and everyone of her new "family" members a death worthy of Lord Jashin. The village was in view but still far away, this would give them enough time to finish making plans and prepare for the blood that was soon to fall. [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/2/27/Jashin_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20111204150323[/img][/center]