Nix scowled at all three whitecoats and gave them death stares. The woman was pretty but Nix felt a cruel core beneath her lovely exterior. He tilted his head when she spoke to Freeman. "And what is he?" Nix added her voice to the already growing list of things he didn't like about her. "Some kind of firebird?" "This is Phoenix," Freeman said. "We consider him somewhat a success. When he lived in Ireland, he could not walk at all, having been in a car accident. The labs in spent six years trying to fix his legs. At eight years they found a way, but the side effect of the surgery was an excess of adrenaline whenever he is put into stressful simulations. We got him six years ago, but he's only just now began to show signs of pyrokinesis." The woman stepped closer to his cage and Nix bared his teeth, heating his hands up even more. "I would be careful with Phoenix if I were you," Freeman warned. "He burns." As if to prove that point, Phoenix's hair flickered like flames. "Interesting," the woman murmured. "What is his height, wingspan and age?" "He is six feet, three inches, with a wingspan of fifteen feet and he is eighteen years old," Freeman said. "He's also incredibly strong due to the fact that no matter how small we make his containment unit, he finds some way to do workout excercises." "Why would you prevent him from physical exertion?" her tone implied that he and his staff were fucking stupid. "Physical exertion means he spends energy, which means he is tired, which means it more than likely makes it harder for him to burn anyone with his hands." [color=f26522]"Ay, Lad,"[/color] Nix commented. [color=f26522]"She's got ya there, much as I hate tae admit. Smart, unlike you, ya dumb fuck."[/color] "Where did he learn such swears?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Freeman turned pink.