[i][color=92278f] "I expected the unicorn hair, but chestnut?" [/color][/i] Suddenly nervous, Lavender reached for the wand held out to her. The moment her fingers touched the wood, she realised this was the perfect fit for her. A strange but comfortable feeling tingled through her, starting in her fingers and reaching all the way across her body. She looked back at her parents, who smiled and nodded, and slowly moved the wand. A small trickle of glitter came out the top and briefly showered her in visible happiness. The glitter vanished before hitting the ground, and Lavender giggled again. Lavender's father came up to the counter. He stood next to his daughter and ruffled her hair before paying for the wand. Lavender thanked the shop owner and together the family left the shop. [color=ec008c] "Okay, wand, check. Robes ordered, check. Cauldron, check. Pet supplies, check. That leaves books and writing materials."[/color] Mother was checking the list Lavender had gotten from Hogwarts. [color=92278f]"Don't forget, you promised we could go to the Weasley's joke shop!" [/color] Lavender reminded her mother, again. Her mother just sighed and nodded, but her father winked at her. Dad loved jokes! Lavender smiled as she followed her mother towards Flourish and Blott's to get her school books, quills and parchment.