Cole did exactly what Sarah had expected, he tried to use his speed and agility to avoid the jets of water. He actually managed to dodge quite a few of them before one of them forced him to leave the wall. She was impressed by the way he managed to claw his way through the water, and saw him coming at her again, trying to attack her from behind. Instantly, she raised the contents of the huge puddle at her feet. She made no attempt to attack Cole with it, but surrounded herself with it instead. The water formed a bubble around Sarah. In order to keep it together, she made it flow around her in strong, solid circles. Cole's claw attack hit her, but not with the force he intended. However, because of the rapidly moving currents in the bubble of water, Sarah felt the nails run all the way across her back, leaving a diagonal pattern reaching from her right shoulder to just above her left hip. [i][color=662d91] "Let's not do that again" [/color][/i] and [i][color=662d91] "That was my favourite shirt" [/color] [/i]flashed through Sarah's mind. She traded places with Cole, who was now stuck inside her bubble of water. Wincing at the stinging on her back, Sarah used the water from a small puddle nearby to cool her wounds. Then she prepared herself for Cole's next move. [@Raptra]