[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color]— Central City —[/center] [color=gray]“Hey there little guy. I’ve got you—you’re okay,”[/color] Leisy cooed, stretching out her arms to catch her young Cutiefly as he attempted to launch himself into the air again. It hadn’t even been a week since he’d hatched, yet the hatchling thought himself ready to take on the world. While he’d been rather calm the first day—and rightly so, when he’d come out of the eggshells looking more fragile that glass—he gained color and courage quickly, and before Leisy knew it, she’d become a full-time babysitter. At the same time, she found herself amazed at how quickly the Cutiefly grew; within three days of hatching, he was already rearing to explore the world, with Leisy struggling to keep up with his energy inside the house. After being branded “local heroes” along with Florence, Ella, and Vivian and enjoying a period of vague prominence in Greenhaven, Leisy had thought it best to return to Central City. She’d been away from home for a long while, and she’d begun to miss the routine and idyllic the city afforded her. Her parents, her friends, her neighbors—she’d left them behind when she started off on her journey as a Pokemon trainer, but after facing down monsters in both her dreams and in real life, she longed to reconnect with the “her” before it all. When she returned, though, she found that both nothing and everything had changed. Nothing had changed about the city; people walked briskly, intent on checking boxes off their full schedules. Her parents still worked the same jobs, her friends still off attaining the education they’d gone off seeking when she’d left. Even her parents’ Pokemon were the same, the family Castform exactly as enthusiastic about each morning’s forecast as the day Leisy left. However, she’d changed—drastically. Where she was once content to stare out the window and wonder about the mysteries of the world, she now found herself restless, unable to sit still. Her Pokemon were the same, unable to content themselves with wandering the house. Leisy had lost count of the number of times she’d had close shaves with Naunet’s bumbling in the kitchen or Mel’s precarious choice of perches. Cura fared the best out of her Pokemon, having the gentlest temperament, and Bidein made a close second with his respectful curiosity. Devi, on the other hand, didn’t even bother with trying to adapt, instead contenting himself to snooze on every available surface he found. Having a large grey-shelled Pokemon that constantly snored by expelling shockingly loud shots of air lie around the house wasn’t the most pleasant thing, so Leisy found herself keeping her Pokemon in their Pokeballs more and herself idling less. Three times now she’d found herself wandering towards the forests outside the city, but each time she contented herself with just observing other trainers journey off. She’d barely been back for a week yet, and she felt she ought to stay for a bit longer. “Well, I’m off then,” Leisy’s mother said, hanging up her apron. “I’ll be back at seven, but call if you need anything.” [color=gray]“Will do,”[/color] Leisy said, eyes wandering to the blue skies outside the window. “Leisy.” [color=gray]“Yeah?”[/color] Leisy asked, looking over just as her mother wrapped her arms around her. [color=gray]“Mom?”[/color] “Don’t feel obligated to stay if you don’t want to,” Leisy’s mother said, unlatching her arms. “I speak for your father too when I say that you’ve been acting out of sorts. We love you no matter which corner of the world you’re off exploring, and we know you love us back. So don’t worry yourself about us. Go and finish your journey. ” [color=gray]“Thanks, Mom,”[/color] Leisy said, smiling and hugging her mother tightly. “Just call more often, alright?” her mother said, laughing. “I need to know if my daughter’s doing alright out there alone.” [color=gray]“I will,”[/color] Leisy said, grinning. She paused. [color=gray]“I’ll come back to visit more too.”[/color] “Don’t make me hold you to that,” her mother said, patting her back. “Go ahead and go pack your things. It’ll be sunny tomorrow—perfect for walking.” [color=gray]“Okay, Mom,”[/color] Leisy said, laughing. [color=gray]“I get it.”[/color] “Good,” Leisy’s mother said, smiling. [hr] [i]Where to then?[/i] Leisy wondered, checking her Pokedex as she stood in front of the train station. The sun was bright, just like her mother had predicted, and she was on her toes with excitement once again. She felt like she was a beginning trainer all over again, the world at the tips of her fingers. [i]I wonder how Ella and Florence have been?[/i] Leisy thought, scrolling to her last text messages to her friends. They’d been a few days ago, and it’d been almost a week since she’d spoken to them in person, but somehow it felt like she hadn’t seen them in ages. [i]Doesn’t hurt to ask,[/i] she thought, getting to work. [indent][i]Hey Ella, Florence! How’ve you both been? I’ve finally wrapped up my loose ends around here, and I’m heading out from Central City now. Haven’t decided where, but I’ll be doing that. Hope to hear from you both soon![/i][/indent] [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 214 +1 +4(Oct. bonus) = 219 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 1 [*]Great ball x 3 [*]Twisted Spoon [*]Soft Sand [/list] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchinder (32 +3(monthly bonus) = 35) [*]Naunet ♀ — Prinplup (32 +3(monthly bonus) = 35) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Pupitar (36 +3(monthly bonus) = 39) [*]Cura ♀ — Audino (32 +3(monthly bonus) = 35) [*]Melly “Mel” ♀ — Swablu (1 +3(monthly bonus) = 4) [*]Unnamed ♂ — Cutiefly [hatched] (1 +3(hatched) +3(monthly bonus) = 7) [/list][b]Pokemon Reserves:[/b][list][*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (3) [Shiny] [*]Animo “Nemo” ♂ — Sewaddle (3) [*]Liciae “Lissy” ♀ — Purrloin (5) [*]Tyrus ♂ — Gastly (7) [/list][/hider] [@luckyblackcat] [hr] 178CP