[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-23143688_zps9cd1a8ef.png[/img][/center] It’s still chilly and I kind of wish I had decided to give Kyle a call and see if he wanted to come over instead of listening to Emily and going out to “Be a hero again”. But I did decide to listen to her and something in the back of my mind tells me I made the right choice. It’s strange and I can’t put my finger on it but something does not feel right about the night. I think it started the night I met Kyle, the night had never scared me before. But now some of the shadows seem wrong and I see shivers of movement out of the corner of my eyes. But when I turn to look at them there is nothing there. My armor is already summoned but it’s awkward. I don’t know what I’m doing and I just got lucky a few days ago when I ran into those men (Dark Possessed). It is almost like an echo in my head as I walk down the sidewalk. If I don’t run into anything soon I’m just going to go home and call Kyle anyway even though it’s la--. What was that? I’m jerked out of my pleasant day dreams, which I wish I had when I slept instead, by a crash and the crunch of breaking glass. It had to have come from close by and though I’m afraid I feel that strange sensation of direction. I start to run towards the corner that the sound came from and when I glance down at my right hand I hold the glowing blade again. But I don’t remember drawing it. Turning the corner I see a terrible sight. The wrecked cars, a dead man on the ground and another man standing over a fallen one in what looks like a costume. My eyes widen behind my mask, I recognize the costume from the news. Ly uhm, Ly-something. I want to cringe but I feel myself charging forward towards the man. No, he isn’t a man. Slivers of darkness leak off his body and again the phrase Dark Possessed flicks through my mind. I swing the glowing blade at the Dark Possessed but somehow it moves before I can strike it. It jumps away with inhuman agility and I see the black eyes rise to stare at my mask. Does it know me? I could swear that I saw recognition in the dark eyes. “We see you.” I hear its voice and I feel nauseous at the malevolence in it. “You will not stop us this time. You are ALONE.” But as it talks I keep moving as if guided by another hand and while it brags the glowing blade slides into the fleshy part of its left arm. An inhuman scream tears free of its throat and I see the Dark abandon the host as a black cloud pouring from his mouth. They cannot re-enter. Another thought that I do not recognize pops into my head. But there are other hosts. Suddenly it clicks as the cloud swirls towards the fallen man in a costume and starts to condense to funnel into his mouth. I have to stop it first. “Aldras vo narel” I speak words without thinking and a globe of golden light blossoms outwards from my body to scatter the cloud into wisps that faded back into the night. I only hope I was not too late. I kneel down next to the fallen hero and press the blade against him. There is no scream and I stand up again as if by instinct before the guidance fades away. “Are, are you okay?” I ask shakily with adrenaline still pumping and confused by the words it had spoken.