[color=rosybrown][i]"My name is Dahl-"[/i][/color] Kylo almost tumbled down over a house elf that was waiting outside the door. The elf apologised hurriedly, eyes wide, before it looked at Brandon again. [color=rosybrown][i]"Dahlia, sorry, it's Dahlia. Nice to meet you."[/i][/color] The dark-skinned girl finished her sentence, eyes wide, staring at the elf. [color=pink][i]"Master Brandon should go home, Master Megara told Mooky to take young Master home. Master's mother said she will be busy in Gringotts more time."[/i][/color] Straightening up, Kylo nudged Dahlia in the side. [color=orange][i] “Looks like someone’s in trouble, or what, Dahlia.”[/i][/color] He said in a sing-song voice, a goofy grin on his face. [color=orange][i]“I’m Kylo by the way.” .[/i][/color] Kylo looked at Brandon, waiting for his responce.[color=orange][i] “Well, are you coming or not?” [/i][/color] He started running - more like a light jog at first, then picking up some speed, laughing. With his eyes still behind him, Kylo didn’t see the family of three walking by and came crashing down into them. Both he and a dark-haired girl fell to the ground. [color=orange][i]“Owie… M-my bad.”[/i][/color] Kylo pulled out his leg from underneath the girl, standing up on shaky knees and reached out his hand to her. [color=orange][i]“I’m sorry, but we’re in a hurry, you see -”[/i][/color] His grin was back on his face. [color=orange][i]“We’re on our way to the Wheezers before they’re sold out of all the good stuff!”[/i][/color] [hr] [@HeartStrings] [@Kaesus] [@Dutchess Sarah][hr]