Bones twitched as he heard the new voice address him. His voice sounded raspy and worn easily identifying him as an older individual [color=ivory]"They never let you out! This place is a big jail! And they all know it!"[/color] Bones got up clearly upset by the question, he flailed his spinally arms around in a hysteric tantrum. [color=ivory]"You are doomed to die here! Like the rest of us!...[/color] with that the man sat back down and looks at the impossibly fair girl whom he now shared a cell with. A hideous wrinkled grin surfaced on his face [color=ivory]"Bones does hope you survive longer then the last one. He was a troubled one. Indeed he was! Made me even more thin then I already was! Then the guards got rid of him. Good riddance Bones says!"[/color] Bones was very clearly batty.