[hider=My Hider] Name: Lucas Cross Age: 33 Gender: Male Nationality: Core Systems Text Color: [color=6ecff6]"The hell are you talking about?"[/color] Rank: Lieutenant Commander Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 lbs Physical description: While modern medicine helps to keep many people looking younger and younger, years of conflict have still taken its toll upon Lucas' body. With black hair that has begun to see specks of gray, and the almost constant bags under his weary blue eyes, the only thing the man is missing is a shaggy beard, or at least a five o'clock shadow, from making him seem like some world weary drug addict running through the streets. Adding to this appearance are his somewhat gaunt cheeks that run down to a narrow and clean shaven chin, while a slightly stubby nose keeps him from looking too hawkish. A few wrinkles crease at the corners of his eyes now too, which have a slight upwards slant, and his lips are creased into a near constant frown. Despite his looks, however, Lucas still carries himself tall with his shoulders squared rather than giving into the exhaustion that seems evident upon his face. Given that he is a pilot, he remains in excellent shape, although his skin is exceedingly pale, as if he rarely steps out into the sun, which contrasts heavily with the dirt that mars his body, particularly after working on a machine. He wears a standard IMC pilot's suit. Titan: Monarch Weapons: R-201 Assault Rifle, Hammond P2016, MGL Mag Launcher Ordinance: Arc Grenades, Frag Grenades Abilities: Cloak Personality/Attitude: Once much more passionate and outspoken in his younger years, age and experience have tempered Lucas' fire, leaving behind a level-headed and methodical man, preferring to take his time working through whatever problems face him when possible. What remains of his youth are a rather loud and expressive manner of speaking that helps to endear him in otherwise bleak times, and a stubborn streak a mile long once he's put his head to doing something. Years of conflict have similarly tempered his view of what it means to wage war, as he sees most things in shades of gray rather than black and white, believing the IMC to be aggressive in their cut throat take over of the Frontier, but the Militia far too short sighted to truly manage their own while being blinded by their moral high ground. While preferring to limit casualties, Lucas still holds the lives of his men in greater regard than those of his enemies, and will not hesitate for very long before ordering the execution of prisoners if he believes there to be no other recourse without putting his men into undue harm. Skills/Talents: Pilot Training Engineer and Mechanic Computers and Coding Favourites/Likes: Alcohol That 'burnt' smell of soldered metal Sleep City life and convienences Most Hated/Dislikes: Big egos The self-righteous Uneccessary risks Goals/Ambitions: Making it back to the Core Systems and retiring with a pension. Short of that, go down fighting. Strengths: Smart Cool-head Analytical Weaknesses: Cautious Does not react as well when caught surprised or unprepared Fears: Death, though he's accepted its inevitibility Being helpless to do something Hobbies/Interests: Reading Video games Working with his hands Robotics History: Born and raised in the Core Systems, the Frontier was always a distant and faraway place. Something one heard of in the news or simply in passing. He never imagined he would actually end up traveling there after discovering his passion for working with machines and graduating with a degree in robotics. After all, he was the sort of nerdy guy who would never dream of doing anything but a deskjob, but when the IMC came knocking, asking him if he'd like a job working with titans and travelling the stars, how could he say no? While he first started as an officer who worked with repair crews, was upon the very first time that he came face to face with a titan that he knew he wanted to be a pilot. He worked hard in order to attain his certifications, passing many of the mental ones with ease, while struggling to get into shape to pass the rigorous physical examinations, but he would finally manage to do so, just in time to be shipped off to the Frontier to wage war against the Militia. He would come to fight across numerous systems and visit more planets than he had ever dreamed off in his youth, and while he was not present at the battle of Demeter, he still lost numerous friends during the incident. Since then, He's continued to fight for the IMC, in the hopes of eventually returning home once this war is over, and with recent IMC reinforcements finally arriving, that hope has become a little more real. [/hider] Figured I'd come in with an IMC character and give them some love, seeing as the opening does say we can play as any side. Not quite sure how it'll work out, but hey why not? If my character's accepted, I'll drop him over in the character's section.