Bones recoiled at Estelle's gagging comment. [color=ivory]"O-ok me Bones say nothing more."[/color] He was not happy with what she was getting him to do, but Bones was smart enough to know picking a fight with a freshly caught ghoul was a bad idea. Especially given how frail and old he was. He then went back over to his corner and mumbled to himself quietly. The cell was empty bar the bunk bed that was stationed in the opposite corner to the one Bones was curled up in. The chatter from other cells was always there in the background nibbling away at any sense of privacy that one might even remotely consider. The cell bars did little to conceal anything, there were at least 9 cells that could all see into Estelle's one. Tho one of them was empty. The the yelling of some of the more rowdy ghouls could be heard as they yelled at the guards who were escorting a massive man standing 6 even but being built like a truck he looked battered tho he'd been brought in forcefully for sure. His escort was the round guard who had brought in Estelle. [color=gray]"Here you go my friend your new home."[/color] he rather forcefully shoved the brute into the cell across from Estelle's [color=gray]"Enjoy your alone time, you've not got much of it left. We got another one coming in very soon, like now soon. Hey boys what's the hold up!?"[/color] The guard cried out looking back down the massive hall.