Bones remained in the corner quiet as a mouse not looking at Estelle preferring that she stay doing whatever it was she was doing, because it didn't involve him so that meant he was safe. The round guard looked impatient and he eventually stormed off to see what the hold up was. The brute grumbled and sat down on the bed shaking his head while rubbing one of his many bruises. He clicked his tongue and clenched his free hand audibly cracking his knuckles. Then the yelling of the of the excitable ghouls rang out again as the chatter between the guards grew closer. [color=gray]"Get your shit together guys I mean there are two of you carrying her for fuck sake."[/color] this voice was again that of the fat guard but now he was accompanied by two other guards they were both an average build but all three of the guards were dwarfed by the person they were carrying. [color=cyan]"Hey it's not my fault she's fucking massive! She's got to weigh like two hundred pounds!"[/color] the round guard slid the cell door containing the brute open. [color=gray]"Suck it up you babies and get her in that cell."[/color] They then walked into the cell much to the displeasure of the brutish ghoul then placed the somehow larger female ghoul down on the floor. [color=cyan]"Jesus she's scary looking ayy?"[/color] said the guard who complained about how heavy she was, then the other guard led him out of the cell and said [color=salmon]"I heard it took the Doves a solid two minuets of wailing on her for her to finally stop moving."[/color] The fat guard shook his head [color=gray]"I'm not surprised. Now shut it you two and get back to work!"[/color] he said as he closed the cell locking the brute in with this mountain of a woman, she looked surprisingly well given what the guards were saying. Then it was just the chatter of detainees again and the giant woman lay there on the floor of the other cell.