Finn's eyes snapped past the moose. There was a snap, though she couldn't tell what had snapped. Then her stomach growled again. A harrowing sound that filled what seemed to be the entire expanse of forest. Finn's face changed, immediately, from a ravenous hunter to a fair faced girl. Rubbing her stomach, the much more domestic Finn trudged out from beneath the trees. Walking towards the moose she pulled out a hunting knife. Walking around to its far side, she saw something. A straight stick, with fletchings, broken on the end. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned down, then, flipping the moose up with only the slightest difficulty, she saw it. The broken shaft of an arrow had imbedded itself within the side of the moose. Letting the corpse drop, Finn's crimson eyes surveyed the area where it came from. Who was there, watching her?