[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] This scenario was far too strange. Those outside world vehicles, and... some sort of commotion going on at the other side of the bridge? It didn't take long for the small silver-haired girl to conclude this was some kind of incident. Therefore, the only logical course of action was to see just what was occurring. With this in mind, Youmu started across the bridge. Her phantom half drifted along behind her, and sure enough it did indeed become clear there was something occurring on the other side of the bridge. There was a great deal of men, fully human as far as she could discern, some of them carrying something she didn't quite recognized. It seemed familiar, in some respects, but she couldn't place her finger on just what those things they were carrying were. One of them pointed at her, and said something she couldn't make out to the others. Youmu raised her hand and waved. "Hello!" she called, "Do you know what's-" There was a sound almost like a crack of thunder, and something tore towards her. Instinct took over in an instant and she ducked to the side, expression hardening as she smoothly drew Roukanken and lashed out, the gleaming blade flashing in the daylight as it cut the projectile cleanly in two, dampening the shot's momentum and sending both pieces off-course. Quickly, this lead the silver-haired girl to a number of conclusions. The first was that it wasn't danmaku. The second was that these were enemies. The third was that, since they were ordinary people from the outside world, Youmu was not going to use any lethal methods unless absolutely necessary. As the men seemed to express surprise at what she had done, the small girl drew Hakurouken as well. Putting on a burst of speed, Youmu immediately darted into the midst of the men, directly in front of the man who had fired his weapon at her. He only had a split second to gasp in shock and take a step back before she drove Roukanken's hilt directly into his chest, his eyes bulging as he let out a strangled yell. The impact set him back about two meters before he hit the ground and rolled, passed out from the blow. The other men were, needless to say, somewhat shocked. Youmu reminded herself that the outside world very likely wasn't used to such displays as she raised both her katana. The first one to raise his weapon again after her arrival had it promptly sliced in half. [@TheFake]