Name: Noru Nanbu Gender: Male Age (14-16): 15 Appearance: Weight: 132lbs 5'6 [img][/img] Costume: [img][/img] Personality: Noru tends to be calm and easily bored and impatient being rather restless at times. He is rather snarky and condescending at times, but genuinely wants to help others. He is also rather confident and determined, but sometimes he tends to let things slip by him, because of that and tends to get embarrassed and self conscious when he makes a mistake. Quirk: King of Copy Cats or as he likes to call it, Mass Plagiarism. An Transformation type Quirk allows him to copy an aspect from a person or object that's in his field of vision. For example he can copy someone's Quirk or things like the hardness of steel. Quirk Flaws (Are permanent and cannot be bypassed): He must have an idea of what he's copying if he doesn't know anything about the object then he can't copy it, for example he can't copy One for All because he doesn't know that it's a Quirk that stockpiles strength, rather than a strengthening Quirk. The object must be in his field of vision when he does and it must exist physically in the field of vision, so he can't copy something like a Quirk from a photo or video. Whatever he copied will removed after a maximum one hour period. If the aspects that he copies has a flaw like a Quirk he'll get the flaws as well. Quirk Limitations (That can be worked on and improved): He can only hold three copied aspects at a time. The uses of aspects depends on his creative uses of it. He also has a harder time using mutation Quirk if they add a new limb to his body as he hasn't had them before, but the more he uses similar types of mutation quirks the easier it gets for him to control. He can only used copied aspects for ten minutes currently.