Also, everyone, I'm going with a realistic version of the predator cannon, with special ammunition instead of just 'close range' and 'long range.' Now it's two different ammunition types- one for armored targets and another for less armored, closer targets. Hooked up directly to the ammo pool, biggest worry is the overheating, actual rounds which I'll detail in a moment, and it being a 15mm minigun. For reference, .50 cal is 12.7mm. [hider=ammunition types of the predator] API-HV: Armor Piercing Incendiary High Velocity 15mmx116mm = tungsten-skinned rounds with ballistic-capped tips and incendiary explosives inside for armor-piercing fiery damage. Note: incendiary charges are different from thermite. Essentially just a tiny burst of fire and shrapnel, good for shredding hydraulic hoses, electronics, etc. VERY good against moderately armored critical spots. HEAT-HV: High Explosive Anti-Titan High Velocity 15mmx116mm = thin depleted uranium sleeve with an explosive charge and a tungsten penetrator, high velocity. Hits like an antimaterial round and explodes for maximum damage to lighter armor or exposed critical systems.[/hider]