[hr][center][color=808B96][color=ff00f5][h2][b]Yony[/b][/h2][/color] Southeastern Mir - The Fall[/color][/center] [hr] The otter had already vanished into the brush when Nikki emerged. When the time came to run he shot through the brush, after getting snagged several times and watching the others start to pull ahead the boy snarled in frustration. Lunging into the open with all his strength and darting forward, still being hampered by the leg. The frustration came again, like fire licking up the wick of a candle. There was something warm, something familiar about it, suddenly he felt a bush catch on his shorts and spin him mid run. The dark forest kept spinning before fading from view, the boy passing out before even hitting the ground. [hr] Their pursuer moved almost tauntingly along behind them, watching them all dive off the ledge. He sauntered close as green light ahead began to fight with the blue firelight from his scythe, two viridian stars shining at the creature from ahead, over the edge. The scythe's flickering light catching the origin in a tree overhanging the hidden valley. The otter was kneeling on the limb with poise that seemed very foreign to his usual self. The gritty emotion driven looks of annoyance and anger replaced with a condescending gaze of quiet preeminence. He stood without breaking his commanding eyeline, movements fluid as if his injuries suddenly had no significance, then spread his arms to either side and let himself fall backward into the pit as the starlight glow faded from view. [hr] "Guys? Everyone okay?" The otter woke up sprawled out in the mud hearing Taffy barking. His muscles burned, it felt like he’d run a marathon, he lay staring up at the ledge piecing things together for a moment before groaning loudly. Yonath struggled to get up yelping out, “[color=ff00f5]Yo! Who fokkin threw me off the cliff? Coulda fokkin killed me![/color]”.