[color=ed1c24][b]Ace Makovich - Salem - Noon[/b][/color] Ace groaned as he lay on the ground. He struggled to get up, feeling all of his body hurting. He pushed himself up, as the wood that had fallen on him fell down the sides to the ground. He was on his knees and his vision was slightly blurry but it slowly came back. He looked around to try and gather his bearings, when he saw the dead deathclaw on the ground. He slowly lifted himself up to his feet and looked behind him. The church wall was still in good condition, it would require some fixing up, just in case. The double door on the other hand were gone aside from that half that had a dead ‘claw slumped over it. Ace slowly walked over to it, all wobbly as he felt some pain. He put his hands behind his back and arched it to try and feel better. He grabbed the ‘claw’s feet and pulled on it, but soon it caused the rest of the door fell down. He looked over down the street, and saw what looked like the armored super mutant. Ace grabbed his plasma pistol and slowly made his way over and pointed it at the mutie’s head, “Well… who are you and what are your intentions?”