[color=a187be][h3]Harley Whitfield[/h3][/color] The taxi pulled up to the school about a half hour after it departed from the airport. From it, there stepped a [url=https://pre01.deviantart.net/dd78/th/pre/f/2012/024/a/c/cowgirl_by_y_u_k_i_k_o-d4ni97q.jpg]brown haired girl wearing a cowboy hat[/url], talking into her phone with a thick southern drawl while pulling her suitcase out of the back seat, [color=a187be]"Uhuh, yeah, I just made it. You oughta see this place, mama! It's huge! Huh? Yeah! Of course I'll write y'all! I gotta go now, mama! Tell daddy I love him! Okay! Okay, ma! Don't worry! I won't get in no trouble! Love you too! Bye mama!"[/color] Once her mom hung up, she let out an exasperated sigh. She knew her parents were worried. After all, Harley was just a country bumpkin in the big city. [color=a187be]"Well Harley...welcome to New York. Sure ain't Texas."[/color]