[@Crimson Lion][@grandia20] Members of the Legion pirates fell into the water, lots of them. Some where conscious when they hit, most weren't. A few had bodies that weren't banged up enough to keep themselves from swimming, or at least floating in normal circumstances, but there weren't normal circumstances. So once the men's bodies submerged ever so slightly they wen't completely stiff and sunk like rocks. The smallest amount caught onto the wooden frame of the dock they were on, and managed to pull themselves up to face the men causing problems for them. "Well look at what we've got here." A masked man with #82 on his head. "Two punks that don't know when to quit." The legion pirate #42 said in response. More members of the legion pirates appeared, as if from nowhere, climbing up on the docks, and hurrying from pier. "We should teach them a lesson." #82 said, drawing a sword he had taken from a sailor who tried saving his family. "Hehe. I'm not a teacher. I never went to school just like you." One with 33 on his mask muttered. "So I say we break their limbs, tie them up and kill them slowly." There was a quick laugh, as the the man strutted up to the guy with the spears, but he stopped right in front of his enemy and looked down. "Oh! A silver dollar! It's my lucky day." Without hesitation, he dropped to a crouched. "Really slowly!" #59 chimed in, jumping with excitement. "Give them time to reflect and what not." In one hand he held a small round can top for a shield and in the other there was a hammer, ball point to be exact. Someone had curved the name "Lucky" in the hammer's handle. It was funny because the previous owner didn't strike #59 as a 'lucky,' but more of a mat because of he was sprawled on the floor. "The hell are you idiots wasting time for." A masked man called from the end of the dock. There were several struggling forms at his feet. "Shut up, you!" He shouted, kicking the largest form hard enough to make it go completely still. "You all know the plan. We're not supposed to stop anyone right now. Just kill everyone who was trying to leave." With that, a smile, one invisible behind the mask but could be heard int he words, he pushed the tied up figure off the docks and into the water. There wasn't anythings special about the splash, but in the silence, it sounded like thunder. The legion pirates around the men, who were back to back, did't hesitate. They knew the plans. Once the body hit the water they moved. #82 rushed towards the swordsman, thinking he was the one who cared most about the innocent. It was tempting to swing at his neck, but instead he swung towards the body, an easy thing to counter for most sword users. As this was going on, #59 rushed towards the swordsman, and flung his hammer at the man's head. He didn't stop after that. He put the shield in front of him and lunged in the air. He was hoping to hit the man with the sword but if he'd be just as happy if he got the one with the spears. Knowing his signal #33 shot up, hoping to ram his metal encased head into the spear man's jaw. Two of his brothers, each armed with a blade moved forwards. One swung up toward's the redheads neck while the other went low hoping to cut him open. [@Shiyonichi] Two of the legion pirates fell past the point of no return, hit the water and sunk without a moment's struggle. The other one flew too, but without the traditional wet and violent sound that came when a body hit the water. Abbygail smirked at the woman, keeping her eyes on the stranger's face, which wasn't easy. "Sure." She gave a shrug. "I rather enjoy this town and would hate to see it leveled on account of a couple of shitty little men with bad attitudes and kamikaze complexes. So I figured I'd save the people, dispatch their enemies and hopefully get some beer and food out of the process. How about yourself? If you're interested in getting rid of them here and now." She moved towards the end of the dock and pointed towards a large ship a bit out to sea where several row boats were coming from. "That ship's their's. I'm sure the leader is inside. Once wit take that, we've got them." To punctuate her point she slammed her booted foot down on the remaining Legion member's hand hard enough to break bone. "Interested in coming?" [@Noodles] "The One piece?" Bob said, face turning pale. "Uh." Desperate he looked around for someone who knew what to do, but there was nobody around, or there were plenty people around but they were either, dead, hiding, or died hiding so well that they wouldn't be found until the smell became unbearable. "Uh yeah. Just, go with the other guys at the docks. I'm sure they know." ***** "Hey!" One of the men, on the ground, missing a pinky, said to another that was missing an entire arm. "Why don't we get out of here?" Several heads, most alive and one that was still rolling from a breeze, turned to face the source of the question. "There's enough of us taking care of everyone trying to leave and I doubt we'd make a difference with the guys who the town hired to defend us. Why don't we just go find some place to rest? Enjoy our last few minutes relaxing." "Because none of us are strong enough to get up and move." Another said. It was a good point and nobody had anything to add to it. "That's true." The speaker nodded. "Well, I guess this is kind of like resting, right? I mean we're all laying down." "True." Several of the speaker's audience nodded. For a moment they were quiet, enjoying the peace of the moment. Then they heard the whistling sound of something falling towards them. Someone asked what it was but there wasn't enough time for a reply before the spear hit and their world was covered in light and enough concussive force to rip limbs off bodies.