[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nyCOTFH.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LcyIZn6.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Takeshi’s lip curled in a tiny smirk as he noticed her tuft of hair spring up after introducing himself. It was odd. But he had seen many weird quirks before. He stood there looking at her when she looked back at him, her head cocked to the side as if she was trying to process something in her head. Staring blankly at him as he blinked back at her with an amused smirk. She really was odd. The other girl sort of answered his question, but it was more directed to Mina, than to him. It was clear she was bitter about her own situation. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. He was pulled out of it when Motome introduced herself, suddenly her tuft of hair was bapping him in the nose, his head pulled back slightly as he was confused at first at what hit him, then again it bopped him on the nose as she stood up. Seeing it finally, his amused smirk turned into a small grin, more so when she asked if he was a ninja or samurai, or the combination of the two. He was about to answer, but he hesitated. Thinking about it actually he was formally trained to be a samurai, however he did learn few of the arts that normally a Ninja would practice in, Intel gathering. Evasion and escape, as well as stealth when needed. With a thoughtful look on his face he looked to Motome with her childlike expression on her face, which only made him smile more. [color=bc8dbf]Well, I was formally trained as a Samurai, as has all my ancestors had since well before the Meji Era. However we have trained in a few Ninjutsu arts as well. So I suppose the correct answer would be a Samurai-Ninja. [/color] [color=bc8dbf]It is a pleasure to meet you as well. [/color] He noticed they haven’t eaten yet as they were sitting down. Kenichi was mention how he inhales his food jokingly. He glanced at the others near them and looked once again to Fumika. [color=bc8dbf]Forgive me, I should let you and your visitors eat before bothering you any further. I would like to get to know you more some other time. [/color] He bowed his head to Fumika once again. Overhearing Mina speaking to Haruka about Jett Haven he glanced over. He found it odd that he was a person of interest to those two. To him he was a bumbling fool who was a big talker. He remembered the scene in the lunchroom. And he was easily thrown from a window in class. Even more so that she didn’t even know this girl but she was trying to get to the bottom of it.