For a moment Musashi didn't answer and walked towards the end of the dock waiting facing the on coming boats. She waited for about 5 minutes before jumping onto a boat. They were rather surprised to say the least, before Musashi did a spin while slashing. She was basically a blender in the close space of the the boat, causing the men to be cut down rather quickly. She kicked the bodies into the water and and gave a wave to the purple haired girl. "Well think this shows you my intentions. Just have your pals join us when they're done cleaning up, the name's Musashi by the way. Miyamoto D. Musashi." And with that she turned another boat and jump at them, while this time they we're ready, she slashed at an unexpected target, the boat itself, causing the men to fall into the sea. Then she dived into sea the going under another boat and stabbing its hull from underneath. She came up for air and started to neutralize the other boats in a similar fashion.