And they were off! Calanon knowing Rayadell's pride well enough by now, taking no offense from her downturn of his offered hand. A grin filled with trepidation actually bloomed upon his face. Brogach reared back from Calanon's grip on the reins, before they bounded off further into the wooded pass, ducking and dodging past gnarled oaks, elms, and firs. Other than a few whips from passing leaves, they managed to exit the pass relatively unscathed after less than twenty minutes. The sight before them was breathtaking once they passed the treeline, the once crisp air now full fledged chill. The ground rolled downward, tufts of bushy grass were islands in a sea of sleet and shallow snow. Further beyond was a large plain with short hills rising and falling like waves. A lake lay not five miles distant, shimmering in the sunlight. Even from here, the two Elves could see nearly half of it was floating ice. Beside the lake was a walled settlement. Not quite a city, but the walls and the length of the landscape it encapsulated meant it was no small village either. East and west were more woods, though far more ancient and vast than the lighter, southern ones they had traversed. Beyond this beautiful sight were mountains, far larger than the ones they had just traversed. Smoke rising from the landscape in distances too far even for their eyes to gauge very well, bespoke of other villages and towns planted elsewhere. But for now, the one beside the lake was where they would seek refuge. Calanon and Rayadell rode into the afternoon, and near evening time they trotted up to the gates of the town. The walls were tall and made of sturdy wood upon stone bases. Upon the parapets, the wood was curved in archiac designs of wolves, bears, and horses. The archway of the gate had two guardsmen up top, peering down at the cloaked figures riding a steed that had...antlers? "You!" the one on the left called, holding a lantern and pointing at them. "Who goes there? What business do you have in Cairnlake?" Calanon glanced back at Rayadell, before replying. "We're two humble travelers. We seek shelter for the night, sirs. Would you let us in?" There was a brief pause, and the two men chatting among themselves before calling down. "Your names, and reason for why you travel this way? Are you locals?" Calanon removed his hood from his head to put them at ease, though he doubted Rayadell would do the same. His pointed ears were tucked within his thick mane of dark hair, and it was dark enough for them to perhaps miss his fey features. "My name is Cal, and I am a huntsmen from the south. And this is..." he began, gesturing to Rayadell.