Lee was outside the tavern when it exploded. Gently, he sidestepped the onrushing people and the subsequent debris from the explosion. There were pirates attack people. However, the seemingly innocent seems to be dealing with the pirates quite efficiently. Lee peered around, trying to spot any government agents among the crowd. No marines thus far, thats good at least. There were people still fighting, kicking, slashing and causing all sorts of violence. Lee took a deep, steady, breath. He will not resort to violence. Even if his aggressor means him harm, he will do his best to simply dodge. Lee waded through the chaos, sidestepping people that were shoving and pushing each other aside. If he was his former, more hostile, self, he would have sprung into action and attacked. However, after the unspeakable events he had witness and been a part of, he has sworn off violence. Never again would he return to his former self. Keeping a mental note of everything that is going on around him, he decided that he needs to find a way out of this town. Soon, the chaos would calm and the area would be filled with marines and other government agents investigating the situation. Lee cannot possibly remain here for that. Spotting a boat off in the distance, he made his approach, looking to get on board and using what little funds he had left to bribe his way to a new town...