[quote=@chukklehed] [@tobiax] Her father was old and actively being killed by someone who knew their craft, and Azu never saw the whole situation. Being torn apart by Grimm is fatal no matter who you are anyway. [/quote] I am referring to the getting shot in the (possibly) knee. [quote=@Turboshitter] I guess we all know how tobiax feels about androids now. [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b5430c83035d0efa2871535af12af4a4/tumblr_oq0ipaGu7e1u1q9xao1_500.png[/img] I guess I can bring back normal meat-person Nimmie. You sure I wouldn’t need to change anything about her backstory for this? [/quote] True. [img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/291/658/b78.gif[/img] And as far as I remember, yes. Can't find the sheet. I'll let you know what needs changing if anything.