[center] [hider=Olivia Yan] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/30u4xut.jpg[/IMG] [i] “Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” [/i] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171029/fa82b1058a4b82995eeced0a7abcd7d7.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171029/0a170ef53034e48100ff9692c1e85571.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Name[/b] Olivia Yan [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b] Olive [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Allegiance[/b] The Saints [b]Appearance[/b] Standing at 5'7" with a lithe build, Olivia is in quite good shape. She has brown hair that falls in subtle waves down to her shoulder blades, and fair skin. She weights about 136 pounds, and has a tattoo- a coiled serpent- on her lower back. [b]Personality[/b] Some people are warriors, and some people are thinkers. While her ferocity in combat is incredibly surprising, Olivia would consider herself a thinker. Olivia is reputed for reading her opponents- using emotions and weaknesses to her advantage. Cunning is just the tip of the iceberg. However, Olivia is not collected, and susceptible to human feelings just like the rest of us. In particular, rage, which is an emotion that causes her to go berserk.. Other than that, Olivia is quite kind and friendly. As a Saint, she’s obligated to help out, which she does eagerly. She’s also a bit of a flirt to people, Saint or not. [b]Backstory:[/b] Olivia was born and raised in Chinatown. She never knew her mother, for she died after childbirth. Her father, Ricky Yan, was one of the three Triad leaders, and thus gifted Olivia with a life of pleasure. During her early years, she didn’t care about her father’s business, as he cared for her deeply and brought her toys and other luxuries. At age 10, he began to teach her martial arts in order to protect her, and at 12 he bought her weapons, for further protection. But as Olivia saw more and more of her father, she began to realize that he was no saint. She realized that he was the man in charge of offing anybody who didn’t pay up to the Triads. And so, Olivia began to grow scared of the man that she had once loved and admired. It was around this time that she realized she could also turn invisible, and so after harnessing this ability, she began to use it to hide from her father. And but a year later, she ran away from him. With her new powers, she felt a moral obligation to fight against the evils of Independence City. And so she did, donning the name Spectre and joining the Saints. [b]Carried Weapons/Items[/b] [hider=nife nation] [img]https://www.bladehq.com/imgs/knives/butterfly-knives/brs-butterfly/brs-alpha-beast-4-cm-2-large.jpg[/img] This is a butterfly knife, in case you lack the knowledge of fine weaponry. Olivia can use it incredibly efficiently. [/hider] [b]Superpowers[/b] Olivia’s superhuman ability is invisibility. She can render herself to be invisible to the naked eye and invisible on the light spectrum. She can also choose to extend it to things that she touches, such as her clothes or weaponry. However, smoke or lasers could cancel out this ability. And invisibility drains her the longer she uses invisibility. [b]Skills[/b] -great skill in snake and tiger-style kung fu -multilingual- speaks English, Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, and Korean. -smart [b]Extra:[/b] Why did this take so damn long [/hider] [/center]