[center] [h3] Seto[/h3] [@BCTheEntity][/center] [hr] Seto chuckled lightly, running a hand through his hair. "You remind me of Mokuba sometimes. Fairly literal, and so very sharp. It makes playing cards against him both incredibly enjoyable and rather difficult." Talking a seat on a bench and crossing his legs, Seto replied to the thoughts slowly. "Miss. But call her Graye. She's not as noticeably scarred as I am, it's more that she can be a handful. A Binge-Eater normally devours the majority of the entire body, so it's possible we're getting to see one develope into such. Your theory on a possible dependant second individual has merit, though." He looked up from his thinking as a shadow fell across the two. "Ah, Graye. Sit, let us discuss a course of action." "I still don't see why you drug me along on your fantasy detective adventure, Seto. You know what I am," a cold voice for such a beautiful woman. "The greatest killing machine of the CCG, one might say. You've got instinct. You could very possibly find what we're after." "Very well," she relented with a sigh. "Who are you? I've never seen you before," she asked with a raised eyebrow at Ketsu.