[center][IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171014/00d249c84397225229581ce5633616ed.png[/IMG] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36200000/Lucy-Hale-image-lucy-hale-36217221-245-245.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/rI903vi76rjJC/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://em.wattpad.com/e929ed58fa4e7c0a11b666a5570e414fb666fa5f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f61677a385f326f4f6968785642773d3d2d3435323133333231382e3134643835626133623837303530626131323432353434353237342e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/Center] Luckily, the question about his parents didn't offend. She was just being bit cautions. Not all, liked to tell the stories of their parents. She smiled softly. As she leaned back in her chair, she listened to him talk. It was a little bit of a surprise, that his father was a Slytherin. She wasn't entirely expecting that. Melina couldn't help but giggle softly, when he spoke of his mother clocked his father, when they were in school. "She sounds, like a strong woman that doesn't like to be messed with." Melina said with a soft smile. His parents story was rather sweet. "Your parents, have got quite a nice story. It's sweet." Melina smiled warmly. She then rose a slight eyebrow, at his comments about the Slytherins. "I am not sure, they seem rather intimidating and cold..It might just be me. I am not sure, how they're really like, Seeing as I don't know them." she said honestly. At his curiosity, about her own school. Melina couldn't help but smile softly. "I think, in part it's quite a little bit different than Hogwarts. Lucilinburhuc is beautiful of course. It's surrounded by the most beautiful garden and Lakes. The water is very crystal clear, Students tend to swim in the lakes on the Summer Days. It started out with at least a 1400 students, but now...I think it has expanded and can hold up to 2000. Unlike Hogwarts, we only have two Houses. House of Melusina and House of Sigefroi. Melusina is Blue...a very similar Blue to Ravenclaw's actually. Sigefroi is Red. I think, each house has 3 or 4 towers, for their current houses...with secret passageways. So the students can come and go, to visit their friends...if they're in a different tower." Melina said with a soft smile. "Our lessons, are pretty much the same. Only a few students, opt to have theirs in a different language. But pretty much all are taught in English." Melina explained. "What's a Melusina?" A first year student ask. It seemed, like the young girl was curious and had not heard the tales and legends. Melina smiled warmly, towards the first year girl. "She's a Nymph or Undine. Only typically among the French, German and Luxembourgian Legends. In France, she's said to have a, lower body of a snake. There's a statue of her in our city of Luxembourg, she sits by the river side. People are visit and talk to her." she explained. It brought back a few memories from her childhood. She had often visited the statue herself. At the question of her own parents. Melina rubbed the back of her neck, a little nervously. Some people, judged if she told them about her mother. "My Mother's actually a Muggle." she said softly. "My father, just like me and Adrian belonged to the house of Melusina. Bjorn is the only one in our family who got sorted out into Sigefroi." Melina then began to talk about her own parents. "My parents...They've known each other, since they were little. Their families were neighbors. Best friends, from childhood. My mother, actually didn't know anything abut the magical World, until after Dad's graduation. She had a bit of a, shock to say the least. She didn't speak to him for at least, a month. A part of her, felt mad. That he didn't tell her before. And she was also just trying to process everything." Melina smiled softly, as she carried on. "When they began to talk again. My mother accepted everything...she was understanding about it all eventually, and why he never told her before. My father had been in love with her, for quite a long time. And they eventually got together, after they made up. They've been together ever since then."