[centre][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/xYgrkR18iM3705L0uocN1NytjldsLw6vhFDUx1sULeM/http/txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjYzNDY3Yy5TMjlvWVhKMS4w/too-freakin-cute-demo.regular.png[/img][/centre] Koharu waved and smiled as three boys funnelled into the room, they all seemed polite saying hello. Koharu would wave and return each greeting with a smile. [color=orchid]"Hello! It's so nice to meet all of you!"[/color] she said her voice full of energy. She kept a straight face as she looked up at everyone, [color=orchid][i]I'm so short! AHA!...[/i][/color] she thought as she smiled at the three boys. [color=orchid]"I wonder when the teacher will be getting here?"[/color] she said out loud it was supposed to be a thought but it sorta just slipped out, this caused Koharu to blush a little, her cheeks quickly faded back to their normal colour tho only remaining a light shade of pink briefly.