Sarah's next move confused Cole. What was the point of shooting water into the ground right below him? He expected something to pop out of that very spot, and he readied himself for whatever it might be. However, while concentrating on that area, he was completely caught off guard by a jet of water that came at him from another direction, causing him to plummet into the point of interest which he immediately realized was what could be compared to quicksand. The ground was quickly dragging him under, and he had to do something, fast. His claws managed to grab hold of some solid earth, which he assumed was the side of the pit, just as his head disappeared below the sandy surface. He had stopped sinking, but the pulling force of the quicksand was much too strong for him to simply climb out of it. The entire experience was nerve-racking. Cole tried to remain calm and think of a way out, though, it was not easy. He was about to suffocate, and the monster in his head was fighting for control. He had been under all that sand for some time. Were the teachers not supposed to intervene? Perhaps they were expecting him to be able to do something about his current situation. There was no doubt that he actually could, but that would mean... Were they really planning to drive him to that point? He realized that he did not have a choice. He was trapped, and there was no other way. [i]Fine, just for this one time, save me...[/i] The creature suddenly tore out of the sand as if a rush of adrenaline had been gained. It skidded across the ground to a stop and let out a savage, animalistic shriek before making a headlong charge at the driving force behind all the water-based attacks and traps. It moved just as quickly as before, but this time, in a significantly more wild and frenzied manner. Now mostly driven by bloodlust, it had the full intention to tear the girl to shreds. It was obvious that 'Cole' was no longer all there, if he was still even there at all. [@Dutchess Sarah]