[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Dynamo Frokane] I'm not saying you were. [b]But the conversation was about Christians thinking everything under the sun was evil.[/b] [/quote] What are you talking about? No one said that? [quote=@SleepingSilence] And the common thread of them, was they were apart of the older generation. Is my point. [b]I would place doubt that it was actually political[/b]. Just zealots and fear mongers. Which existed on both sides even back then. [/quote] In the time I'm referring to, yes they were old, yes they were religious and yes they were conservative. This is not controversial. And Jack Thompson was literally a Right Wing, Born Again Christian, Anti-Gay Attorney who made a career out of attacking GTA and blamed every tragedy all the way up until 2008 on video games. He was also heavily involved making testiominals to the florida bar, making false statements to tribunals, lobbying elected officials and constantly appearing on TV news shows to demonize video games, so yes I think it got pretty damn political.