[u][b][h2]Turn 3[/h2][/b][/u] [hider=The Map][IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2isx8i.png[/IMG] [/hider] [h3][color=00CED1]The Iceborn[/color][/h3] [@Cyclone] [Hider=Turn 3]Sigdar contemplated how he would physically move a flame. Fire is hot, so touching it probably wasn't a good idea. But does one dishonor the gift of Kjorn with a stick? Will he take it as a slight to his blessing if he attempted to move the stone itself? What was the answer? He would have to... Think about it. [color=steelblue][b]A) Try to light the flame on a stick and bring it back to Dagshall B) Attempt to move the entire runestone C) Just... Grab the thing! With my hand! D) Enough of this foolishness, I shall smash the runestone and receive Kjorn's blessing![/b][/color] Back home, Iceborn were getting ready for conflict. They had a feeling in their gut that something was coming for them. They had no idea what, however. The survivors of the attack were still raving, mad and delirious. Some had died from panic causing them to refuse to eat and sleep. Some began to worry, whatever enemy is coming for them must be truly and utterly horrifying to reduce a mighty warrior to such a sad state. Dag stood before a decision to make, just like his son. [color=steelblue][b]A) We must consult our Gods. Is this their wrath, brought down upon us, or a test for us to overcome? We shall act accordingly... B) Ready every warrior and warrioress for battle! Fortify the shipyard and man the pallisade - no enemy shall be able to come upon us after nightfall! C) Send out scouts to possibly find evidence of the invaders, who they are and when they will arrive. Additionally, send a runner up the river to enlist the aid of the elves.[/b][/color] [color=gray][You may still take a basic action for this turn.][/color] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [b]Population:[/b] 222 men, 217 women, 62 children. [indent][i]- 152 Goblin Thralls[/i][/indent] [b]Livestock:[/b] A herd of goat. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Above Average [b]Resources:[/b] Lumber, Iron, [color=gray]Honey (low quantities, legendary quality)[/color] [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 5% [i]+1% from food level, +1% from morale = 7%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] High [b]Foreign relations:[/b] [indent]- [color=0054a6]Children of Artemon[/color]: [color=yellow]Neutral[/color][/indent][/hider] [h3][color=yellow]The Antari[/color][/h3] [@Murtox] [Hider=Turn 2]Rano Rancor was nervous. He may be a smart and clever individual, but he was unsure of his skills in mechanical engineering. Still, his ruler had chosen him for the task and he was honored to accept. He would do his very best. He recruited the help of a few men that had once worked with some mechanical contraptions back from where they had once came, and he retired with them to his workshop to attempt a reverse-engineering of the crude but effective crossbow. [color=gray][Technological endeavor yields result next turn.][/color] Surprisingly, it had been quite easy to get the lizardman to talk. He spoke broken common, but made himself quite clear nonetheless. Amari Asto managed to fill in the blanks that the lizardman itself could not. After just a few minutes of talking to the creature, Amari Asto managed to get him to speak. [i]"Who are you, invader?"[/i] asked Amari Asto. [i]"We Yu-le, of great God! Great serpent!"[/i] the lizardman hissed. Amari Asto guessed Yu-Le was actually its' individual name, and not the name of it's race. He couldn't tell if the lizardman was actually a lizard[b]man[/b] or a lizard[b]woman[/b]... [i]"How dare you attack us at our home? What did you come for? Slaves and riches? Our food and supplies?"[/i] [i]"We come for sacrifices! Great Serpent demands blood, we obey..."[/i] Amari Asto detected a small amount of hesitation from the creature. He decided to probe it further. [i]"Fine! Fine! Yu-le not want to obey. Great God, Great Serpent - but not great ruler we have!"[/i] It seems the lizardmen placed most of their trust in their diety and less so in their leadership. Perhaps this could be used to the Antari's advantage in the future? Further conversation revealed the lizardmen were somewhere between 300-400 in numbers, but seeing as Yu-le wasn't a very smart individual the numbers might be way off, for better or worse. Amari Asto also manged to uncover the location of their settlement, and to his dismay it wasn't far from here to the west - practically just past the mountain pass. The last piece of information he managed to get was the most intruiging, however. It seems the Lizardmen was in conflict with another tribe of humans to the south of them. The Antari hadn't met them yet and the scouts hadn't seen any humans other than themselves, so this was definitely another faction entirely. Where the humans were, how many they were or what they looked like however, the Yu-le did not know. [color=gray][Point of interest marked on map. (Where the humans supposedly are?)][/color] [b]Population:[/b] 201 men, 199 women, 52 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Above average [b]Resources:[/b] Stone, lumber, copper. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 5% [i]+1% from food level, +0% from morale = 6%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] [indent]- [color=orange]Lizardmen of Ves'Tuk[/color]: [color=red]Hostile[/color][/indent][/hider] [h3][color=0054a6]The Children of Artemon[/color][/h3] [@Pirate] [Hider=Turn 3]Ah, finally. A task of which the Children of Artemon can truly shine! Leatherworkers quickly put much of their effort into the production of leather armor for the few troops available and a bunch extra for stockpiling. The armor for the 15 elves-at-arms are completed rather quickly, but with an import of raw leather goods from the giants not being that great of quantity, the rest of the stockpile won't be completed until next turn. [color=gray][Elf-at-arms upgraded with better armor.][/color] There are many more workers in the village than just leatherworkers however. The next task would prove to be immensely more time-consuming, and resource-consuming! A pallisade was to be constructed around the settlement. Luckily, there was a river to the east and west served as natural protection for the settlement, and made for an easy place to start. Construction began at the eastern riverbank, where a small gatehouse would provide passage or denial of passage to those who come to Duinmelamar by boat. From there, they built the pallisade as lumber for building came in. [color=gray][Pallisade around entire settlement is completed in: 2 more turns.][/color] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [b]Population:[/b] 147 men, 149 women, 52 children. [b]Military:[/b] 15 Elf-at-Arms. Militia able to be conscripted up to 20% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Above average [b]Resources:[/b] Lumber, fish, [color=gray]stone [i](small quantities.)[/i][/color] [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Trade:[/b] [indent]Imports: [i]Raw leather and animal goods from [color=orange]Giant Camp[/color].[/i] Exports: [i]Processed leather goods to [color=orange]Giant Camp[/color].[/i][/indent] [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 4% [i]+1% from food level, +0% from morale = 5%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] [indent]- [color=ed1c24]Bonesnapper Tribe:[/color] [color=red]Hated[/color] - [color=orange]Giant Camp:[/color] [color=lightgreen]Friendly[/color] - [color=lightgreen]Lothelonni:[/color] [color=green][Assimilated][/color] - [color=00CED1]Iceborn:[/color] [color=yellow]Neutral[/color][/indent][/hider] [h3][color=DarkSlateGray]Clan Oreborn[/color][/h3] [@Kangutso] [color=red]No post found. Auto-dropout in 3 turns.[/color] [Hider=Turn 2]The construction of an entire city would not be an easy task. The group of 40 masons, builders and architects decided to begin in small scales and increase efforts as they increased their actual capacity. As such, they started work on a modest entrance into the mountain. For now, they would remain above ground as they carved out dwellings, walls, yards and other necessary spaces from the very rock itself. There was no telling of when this gargantuan task would be completed, but as small 'districts' started to take shape and became operational, dwarves started moving in from their temporary dwellings down at the base of the mountains. [color=gray][City completed in: ?? turns.][/color] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [b]Population:[/b] 159 men, 155 women, 57 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Average [b]Resources:[/b] Copper, tin, gold, lumber, iron. [b]Wealth:[/b] Very low [color=gray][i](Consisting mostly of raw gold ore for now)[/i][/color] [b]Trade:[/b] [indent]- Mutual small-scale trade with the Ursar.[/indent] [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 5% [i]+0% from food level, +0% from morale = 5%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] - The Ursar: [color=lightgreen][i]Friendly[/i][/color] - The Brown-Skin Orcs: [color=gray][i]Not yet met.[/i][/color] - The Lilitu: [color=gray][i]Not yet met.[/i][/color][/hider] [h3][color=DarkGray]The Lycan Covenant[/color][/h3] [@Pyromaniacwolf] [color=red]No post found. 2 turns until auto-dropout.[/color] [Hider=Turn 1]It was a hard-fought battle. At first it had seemed the Lycans had the numbers and morale on their side, perhaps even the gods themselves, but the Ogre warlord was cunning and ruthless. He was no stranger to war. While Vlath had focused his strongest warriors in the front and riled up everyone's spirits, the strange pale-skinned ogres had marched in unison and purpose towards the lycan formations. Vlath ordered the charge, and from atop the hill well over a hundred lycans had rushed their enemy with weapon, fang and claw. Vlath himself had used his new powers efficiently, having been able to personally dispatch several armored ogre vanguards by channeling his new powers through his body to increase his strength and dexterity. While he had found he could not yet call upon dark magics to devestate his enemies, he could fuel himself beyond mortal strength and fought with the power of ten of his kind. However, when one Ogre fell at his post another took his place. After a few minutes of hard fighting, the ogres shifted their ranks. Rested soldiers came forward while the tired ones were allowed to rest towards the back. They repeated the tactic, always ensuring they were fighting with full strength. The lycans were ferocious and beyond average stamina, but they had no such battlestrategy in place. Their strategy was brute strength and ferocity, and it seemed to be working at first. The Ogre centre gave in, allowing lycan warriors to drive a wedge through their lines, but suddenly their advance came to a halt. The ogres had gave ground purposely, and now had the lycan centre flanked from all sides as they had driven their wedge into the ogre lines. Vlath could only watch as several of his warriors fell, and as more and more blood painted the grass and mud, it became clear to him that this battle was lost. His commanders started to order a retreat, and his warriors began pulling back. The Ogres advanced and came after them, but their armor weighed them down and they dared not run. The Lycan retreat was unchallanged, but the disorganized warriors made it look more like a route. All survivors made it back to the settlement, but those who could not fight had taken the children under guidance from Mex and Basir as ordered and sought refuge in the mountain to the north. Vlath and his commanders had survived, some slightly wounded but still standing, but another 30 lycans had to be left behind, either dead or too wounded to retreat. The survivors were likely taken captive, and as Vlath organized the rest of the settlement's inhabitants to flee north to the mountain, the Ogres caught up. They cut off their escape by flanking the village to the west and to the north, as if they knew the layout of the lands exactly. The Ogre warlord stood upon a hill, overlooking the village, and raised a flag. Vlath knew what it meant; the warlord called for an audience. The Ogre forces remained at their posts flanking the village, waiting for Vlath to show himself. Growling, he realized he had no choice. At first, he thought he would rather die than parlay with their enemy, but he knew better than to not seek the Gods' council. And so he did. He ordered his warriors to stand down, but be at the ready in case the Ogres had enough of waiting, and he went to his hut where he had erected a small shrine. He drew a knife, cut his palm and let a few drops of blood drip into a chalice of stone. He closed his eyes, and reached out into the void to speak with his pantheon. At first; silence. Then, he could feel a pressence course through his scars, the scars he had received only hours ago from his gods. They spoke to him through the power they had granted him. What little words his mind could comprehend told him to not die here in vain. His part to play in the living world was not yet over, and the Gods would severely punish him if he died now before he completed what they had demanded of him: the blood of the lesser races. Indeed, the battle had spilled the blood of a few ogres, but not nearly enough to repay the loss of Lycan life. The gods were angry, but not with Vlath, but with the ogres. A final order echoed through Vlath's mind, ringing like a bell, shaking him to the core. [i]Don't you dare fail us, Vlath. Live and retreat. Live to fight another day. The time will come where your vengeance upon the Ogres will be complete, and on that day we will reward you and your people greatly. You are our chosen, our champions that walk the mortal plane.[/i] Vlath was unsure how to proceed, even though he planned to do what the Gods bid. Was he to pack up and leave? Try to escape the ogre warband? No, they were too many and their escaperoute was cut off. After a few minutes of meditation, he came up with a plan. And so it came to be that Vlath met with Durgal, the Ogre Warlord, and allowed his village to be annexed. Months have passed since then, and the Ogres arrive once a week to collect tribute and manpower to no doubt be used as slavelabor. The non-fighters and the children had returned to the village, and all lived under the iron heel of the Ogre, but secretly they all longed to be free. They hated their captors with a burning passion, and all knew a day would come that Vlath rose up against them and overthrew them. But such an act would require cunning, planning and carefully masterminded operations as the Ogres had a numerical, equipment and strategical advantage. Luckily, you have had months of planning. What is Vlath planning to do, to free his people? [b]Population:[/b] 137 men, 131 women, 22 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 50% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Average [b]Resources:[/b] Requires prospection and industry. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 5% [i]+0% from food level,[/i] [i]-1% from morale = 4%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Disgruntled [b]Foreign relations:[/b] [indent]- [color=brown]Durgal's Horde:[/color] [color=darkred][i]Hated[/i][/color][/indent][/hider] [h3][color=DarkGreen]The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave[/color][/h3] [@Bright_Ops] [Hider=Turn 2]Technology is like works of art. This crossbow, Gredy held it in his hand, was proof of it. Not only was it perfectly fitted for a goblin of average size, it was adjustable, had basic sights and held great potential in future upgrades and improvements. A 'finished' product is never a filled canvas - it's quite the opposite. Immediately they put the design to good use and armed all goblins on guard-duty with their own crossbow. The bolts was the harder part, however. They had limited resources and manpower to work on it any extended length of time, and they were already producing some tools for the black goblins to work with. Nevertheless, these crossbows would serve you well. [color=darkgray][b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b][/color] [b]Population:[/b] 201 men, 204 women, 68 children. [indent][i](54 of adult population is of Blackskin Goblin descent)[/i][/indent] [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 50% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Below average [b]Resources:[/b] [color=gray]Hardstone (low quantity)[/color], iron, tin. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 8% [color=gray][i]-1% from food level,[/i][/color] [i]+0% from morale = 7%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] You have not met any other civilizations. [/hider] [h3][color=violet]Clan Metalbeard[/color][/h3] [@Lauder] [Hider=Turn 3]Ava truly was a resourceful woman. With just a little nudge from Marum, she had basicly spearheaded the entire clan's new farming efforts. She was the first one with shovel and till in hand, and first to see her plants grow. With burning determination not to see her family starve, Ava, and indeed every other dwarf out farming, soon managed to till themselves a few "fields" on the slopes of the mountain. While outlook was bright, it would take a while for the farmland to yield results. [color=gray][Food set to Low, but is improving over time.][/color] [color=darkgray][b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b][/color] [b]Population:[/b] 91 men, 91 women, 22 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Low [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 4% [i][color=gray]-2% from food level[/color] +0% from morale = 2%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] You have not met any other civilizations. [/hider] [h3][color=gold]The Trade Emporium[/color][/h3] [@Timemaster] [color=red]No post found. 2 turns until auto-dropout.[/color] [Hider=Turn 1]Ah, Coinshire. A perfect little hovel of huts and houses halfway dug into the ground. Execpt, it wasn't perfect. It wasn't even fully operational. Your people has recently arrived from gods-know-where and this is, without a doubt, not a very easy time for your people. While you're doing your best, your ruler, William Orbcoin, has yet to make any official announcements as to what to do next. Halfling families tend to be quite large, but even so this meagre population barely has half a child per household. And it's not even a household! These huts are little more than temporary shelter to be improved as time goes on! Nevertheless, the halflings of Coinshire has tough times behind them and tough times ahead of them, but with a bright outlook on the future that things will turn out alright... Or will it? But there are a few different kinds of halflings. Some like best to sit at home and share stories by the hearth, while others prefer to set out into the world and live adventures! Some halflings aren't even called halflings at all, that's how different they are! So... What are the halflings of Coinshire? [hider=Halfling Subraces][b]A) Hillfoots[/b] - The Hillfoot halflings are strong builders and farmers and tend to get round bellies after a while. They are comfortable, honest and friendly. High morale, all around! [b]B) Rockheads[/b] - The Rockhead halflings are craftsmen and traders, eagre to set out into the world but still rather like to be comfortable. They are good diplomats, merchants, sailors and craftsmen. [b]C) Bumblerunners[/b] - With such a hilarious-sounding name, one could only expect the Bumblerunners to be hilarious themselves, but that is not always the case. Bumblerunners are the opposite to Hillfoots. They prefer adventure, moving around, getting up to no good and are excellent thieves, spies, rogues and explorers. That doesn't mean all bad things however, they're halflings after all! [b]D) Kenderkin[/b] - Anyone who's ever met a Kender usually has nothing good to say about them. They're not strictly halflings, but rather a cousin race of traditional halflings. They're less round, more nimble and silghtly shorter. They combine a bit of Rockhead and Bumblerunner tendencies in that they love adventuring, meeting new people, craft new things and see the world. Notably, they're also very good sneaks and have the distinct trait that they don't feel fear. Fear to them is a foreign concept, and they're quite literally physically incapable of feeling fear. Historians and academics have scratched their heads for centuries over the Kender... Just what are they?! [b]E) Familtons[/b] - The Familtons are a family of halflings that proudly boast they count some of every halfling family within their numbers. They may dabble in all that other halfling families do, but may not reach quite the same expertise as focused subraces may.[/hider] [b]Population:[/b] 135 men, 125 women, 55 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] N/A [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 5% [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] You have not met any other civilizations. [/hider] [h3][color=darkred]Servants of Amarak[/color][/h3] [@PringleDingle] [color=red]No post found. 2 turns until auto-dropout.[/color] [Hider=Turn 1]All glory to Amarak! He has lead us to this new land - Nehgrob Nek'sa - to become his chosen! His medium through which he will hold dominion over these realms. It is up to you, High Priest Gahd'Sihkra to guide your people through this monumental task that you have taken upon yourself to fullfill your oath. You are Trolls, savage and cunning, with natural regeneration and great strength. But there are several breeds of Troll. While you share some traits, you may find other traits less common. You are... [hider=Troll Subraces][b]A) Forest Trolls[/b] - Typically green of skin, has strong shamanistic or druidic beliefs and magic available to them, and can camoflague themselves in wooded areas. [b]B) Rock Trolls[/b] - With skin gray and hard as rock, it is no wonder this breed has gotten this name. They have increased strength and intellect at the cost of slower movement and lower growth. Through geomancy they may also channel earthly magic. [b]C) Dark Trolls[/b] - With black or purple skin, the Dark Trolls use shadow magic and cannibalism as the centre of their religion. They can see clearly during the night, and they have the strongest magical capability of all trollkind. [b]D) Blood Trolls[/b] - Redskinned and savage beyond compare. The strongest, most ferocious of all troll-kind, these trolls pride themselves in strength and find glory in war. They are quite magically handicapped, but neither does magic seem to bite them as hard as other races. [b]E) Unchosen[/b] - A strange self-given from long ago, these 'Unchosen' trolls are said to have been disowned by all Troll Gods and pantheons and banded together. They house all breeds of troll, thereby gaining all their strengths but also all their weaknesses and they cannot reach the same height as the other breeds.[/hider] [b]Population:[/b] 94 men, 93 women, 21 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] N/A [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 4% [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] You have not met any other civilizations. [/hider] [h3][color=steelblue]The Elven Enclave[/color][/h3] [@ArisenMoon] [Hider=Turn 3]How... Strange. While the planted seeds and cultivated plants managed to grow just fine, the Earth-Singers could not manage to use their magic to enchant the soil. It was as if the land did not speak their language, as if they were beginners anew and had to learn the arts of Earth-Singing all over again from the start. They could feel the lands around them, feel the energies course through the earth, but they could not reach out to it. They could not grasp it, could not speak to it. And how does one sing if one cannot even speak? How does one speak if one cannot even whisper? How does one whisper without a voice? The Earth-Singers brought their concerns to the Archon, and told him they must find their voice again - they must learn the language of this land. Afterwards, Saleian then took two elves with him and scouted the forests around them. They found plenty of game in the form of deer, boar, rabbits, insects, birds, and predators that hunted them like birds of prey (owls, forest-hawks), small black bears and ... What in the name of Mother Earth was [i]that?![/i] There, in a clearing ahead, lied a massive creature, motionless. Its' skin looked dry and close to the bone, so it was either dead or malnurished. It's skin was green, scaly and covered with moss and twigs. The vegetation around it looked strange, as if it was slightly out of placed yet looked completely ordinary. They took a few steps toward it, but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the creature open it's eyes and move. It looked straight at them. That's when they realized what it was. A young Wilder Drake stood before them. The strange vegetation around it curled to form it's massive wings - they had been so well camoflagued not even their elven eyes had realized what it was. Its' scales looked like bark and claws looked like twigs, and only when it blinked with it's eyes did they realize it was flesh and bone underneath. The great horns upon it's head gave away it's age - it was only a young drake. Still, the horns were stoic and grand, and shaped and colored like thick branches of a mighty tree. It's slender figure stretched out into the few beams of sunlight that shone through the trees. [hider=The Forest Creature][img]http://ianotoole.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/FOREST-DRAGON.jpg[/img][/hider] After a moment it twitched and it's eyes shut tightly. With a sorrowful groan it layed back on the soft ground. It was in pain, Saleian could tell. Such a gentle, beautiful creature, and it was in pain. Only had the elves heard of these beasts before from tales and folklore. They may believe Dragons exist, but Wilder Dragons? They were said to be Gaia's chosen, the guardians of the earth and land and everything green that graces the world. How could such a noble being had been brought low like this? How could it even be real? As the wind caught the leaves, the sun managed to shine through the trees and caught the glimmer of a metallic object in the Drake's side. It seemed a spear was lodged into it's lower belly, having pierced the scales. Saleian could see now, there was blood on the ground beneath the wound. The Drake had probably been caught off-guard seeing as it seems so malnourished, and couldn't have properly defended itself. The Dragon looks upon you with gentle eyes. What shall you do? [color=darkgray][b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b][/color] [b]Population:[/b] 93 men, 92 women, 21 children. [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Currently training 5 recruits. Militia able to be conscripted up to 30% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Below average [color=gray][i](improving)[/i][/color] [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Base: 4% [color=gray][i]-1% from food level,[/i][/color] [i]+0% from morale = 3%.[/i] [b]Morale:[/b] Indifferent [b]Foreign relations:[/b] You have not met any other civilizations. [/hider]