[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/5/56/P5ProtagDance.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170802121445[/img][/center] [hr] Noru made a loud yawning stretched his arm to the sky as he responded to Koharu's random outburst, she was really short he thought to himself as he was a good head taller than her. He told her. "Who knows it could any time from now to never. To be honest I'm hoping now." Noru looked at the the rest of his classmates there was a white haired boy sitting on one corner on the back and the purple haired boy who squeezed passed them earlier who was sitting on the opposite corner, the last person who came in smiled and greeted everyone. Which was a sharp contrast between his own neutral greeting and Charles no introduction. Though he was slightly disturbed by the bag just appearing from Charles's chest. Form the look of it he was going to be here for a while so, he pulled out his Nebula S6 and pulled the news. Again, another villain attack, this time a it was a Search bank. The image showed a thug like villain that was running with a bag off money over his shoulder. The villain managed to get away. Which caused a frown to appear on his face. Way back when the news would be filled with the triumphs of the Symbol of Peace. Back then this photo would probably be that of the villain getting clotheslined and the headlines would be a story of another victory for the heroes. He turned to another page. This time was about the policies of the prime minister, he didn't really care much for politics. He was tapping his foot now. It was probably trying to combat the rising crime rate and increase in villains. Oh his favorite anime was getting a movie he had to go see that. Though while reading the news he suggested to the others students. "So, anyone want to punk the teacher as they come in?"