The moment the beast show signs to be in control the teachers were ready. Professor Jacob was ready, in a blink of an eye the no longer was watching the fight, the had Cole restrained from the back holding his arms behind it's back. [color=yellow]"Control it, restrain it's hold on you, your are the beast you have control over it, you and the beast are one, and it does not matter if you THINK you cannot control him past 10 minutes. Try it and push it back to it's hole." [/color] At the same time Jacob moved, Lady Jade froze the water, not ice frozen, it was still liquid, but it didn't move. [color=lightgreen]"It's over water girl, release the water and leave the arena. Now Cole has to fight himself." [/color] [hr][b]Mentions:[/b][@Raptra][@Dutchess Sarah][hr]