[h3] Velta Burr- her office- the Docks. [/h3] Velta inclined her head as the other woman left the room. She was going to have to have a talk with the slave outside, for letting just anyone into her office unannounced. Though Rose was an old friend, despite it all, Velta was a busy woman. She once more turned her attention back to the letter she was writing and yawned. This was not something she was used to, her clientes, although sometimes very wealthy, were generally not nobility. Gareth Nolani was known for working for a noble house though and this one in particular was rather fond of Dredg, to the point that she even campained for freeing them. Which would mean the end of the Burr Family's business. On the other hand, an estate could generate quite a lot of money all on it's own, and she was not the only slaver in the city. So she wrote the only thing she could think of. " Esteemed Gareth Nolani, I must say I am honoured to hear from you, but a little surprised aswell. I believe I have exactly what you ask for, but would none the less like to meet in person to discuss the finer details of this arrangement. I am after all a business woman and feel I can not simply strike a deal without first feeling the handshake of my client. Send the curire back with a reply whenever you are ready, do not worry about feeding it, I will make sure it's well watered already. " She signed and sealed the letter, pressing the styalised dredge stamp into the hot wax with a frown creasing her brow. This would need a human curier, just to be sure. Finding one shouldn't be too hard. She dressed herself in the latest yellow cape, the thick whool would certainly keep out the rain, but the colour was really not good for her and stept outside into the rainy street.