[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]A week after the funeral - a week before the expedition message is sent out[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku; Havoc [@Syn]; ? [@LadyInInk][/color][/sup][/INDENT] The presence of new strangers wasn't lost on the sick Yogensha. By now, her condition was still manageable, although she was severely slowed and confined to her estate. Initially, she found the newcomers through the use of the Rain Tiger at Will jutsu, which she had employed to detect new chakra patterns entering the area. However, later new reports came in from the Sakai ban'nin that a powerful entity had crossed the borders. [i]“Escort him,”[/i] she had commanded, and the Amegakure nin with their black uniforms and black facemasks of hardened steel bowed and left immediately. They weren't quite [i]the best[/i] Amegakure had to offer but they were certainly not the worst. Immediately a crow left the tower to visit Kaito Chosokabe and Sayuri Nisshoku, her two newly chosen apprentices. Meanwhile, Havoc would be closely monitored until he found himself next to a great lake - too big to walk around, so crossing it would naturally have to happen by augmenting chakra. It was here that the Sakai ban'nin came forwards and hailed Havoc, standing at a distance. [i]“Stranger, you have penetrated the borders of Amegakure,”[/i] the leader said. They were remarkably non hostile for an intervention team. [i]“Normally we would ask you to leave. But the lady Yogensha herself has decided to open her arms to you and wishes us to escort you to our village. If you decline, we're afraid we have to ask you to return to the border and travel around it.”[/i] The shinobi that were there with him, three of them in total, with the fourth being the leader, were remarkably calm under Havoc's presence. Some of them carefully eyed the person that was with Havoc, while others were simply observing the man himself. In Yogensha's residence, they would prepare for the arrival of Havoc. She wasn't aware of who it was, but she expected a visit from some of the strangers whom had attacked Konohagakure and killed the Hokage. Of course, it was fully expected that she'd be attacked - hence her two new students were called, as well as a group of the black ops. Not that she expected them to be capable of stopping him - but perhaps just to stall him enough for the man to retreat if he did attack. Never the less, she was open to the dialogue. As long as Sayuri and Kaito were there in front of her.