[right][h3]Creep[/h3]Sheila Hopkins [i]in collab with Co-GM and GM[/i][/right][hr] Creep wandered into the alley, avoiding the Rockers that guarded it. She wouldn't have been surprised if one of these meeting really was the reason the Community knew the Rockers had a Stranger, but that was beside the point. Now, she had a much more pressing thing to do. And a subject she wanted to breach to this man, Shatterpoint... He was a teenager, just like herself, wasn't he? Was he going to school or anything like that? Was this villain-thing his life...? Things like that wandered her mind for a brief moment. Since yesterday, he felt a lot more like he was on her side, compared to what else threatened out there. She was sure he wasn't a good person, but... she had started to wonder why. She wondered how to ask what she wanted to ask. It felt a bit awkward. Yet, she wanted to do it. How to start... well, at the very least, she could make him aware she was there. [center][i]i'm here[/i][/center] She displayed the words, written by dim light some distance from his eyes straight in front of him, ensuring that the light wasn't so bright as to be annoying. She had learned more about that in the time talking to him. For now, she simply waited to be addressed. Shatterpoint inclined his head slightly, [color=red]"Good that you made it back. How'd things go?"[/color] Although he knew she was there now he didn't change his posture and remained leaning slightly against the wall behind him, speaking just softly enough to be heard by Creep. Creep stood silent, watching him. After she made the message vanish, she made him wait. Partly because she wasn't sure how she wanted to go about this. ... Oh, guess it was just to get going. [center][i]i was successful in my infiltration and learned new information but before i tell you what i learned, i wish to ask you a personal question[/i][/center] She paused there to let him digest that, and potentially respond. Shatterpoint made a small gesture with his hand to indicate that she should continue. Okay. Now for what she planned in her mind. She wanted this to feel... a bit more serious. She just had to gather her courage for it. To Shatterpoint, an area in front of him started becoming darker and darker. Finally it became a humanoid shape. Then, the darkness slipped off her to become her shadow, and she revealed her figure. It was... kind of embarrassing to do, but she wanted to, he knew she was Wisp, anyway. She was only directing the light of her to his eyes, she was still invisible in all other directions. So, what he saw was her, draped in relatively tight black clothes from head to toe except for parts of her face, a belt with all her weapons around her waist, hood covering her hair, blindfold covering her eyes and similar cloth covering her mouth as a mask. But, she let him see her frown, and pulled a little on the cloth covering her mouth, because she didn't want to use the voice changer right now. She wanted a serious conversation, cape to cape. [i]only you can see me right now[/i] - Was written in white text above her right shoulder. Still... she folded her arms after having pulled away the cloth in front of her mouth, and looked towards him, frowning with intention. [color=97d5e6]‘Why are you a villain? What's it worth to you?’[/color] She asked silently, mirroring how he'd spoken softly, looking at him through the blindfold. She hoped showing herself like this and asking with her own voice revealed how serious she was with this question. Shatterpoint's eyes fluttered beneath the goggles of his face mask in a very noticeable way. It was clear that he hadn't expected this sort of question and he definitely wasn't comfortable with it. Despite his obvious qualms with the question, he didn't protest. [color=red]"Uh, well..."[/color] Even though he had been taken aback, the young man still barely spoke loud enough so that only Wisp could hear. [color=red]"Friendship."[/color] Creep was a little surprised by his reaction. She had almost certainly expected him to harshly state that it was none of her business rather than become uncomfortable and then give a hesitant answer. But the answer he gave... [color=97d5e6]‘Friendship?’[/color] She repeated, her tone one of not entirely believing her ears. [color=97d5e6]‘You embarked on a life of plaguing the lives of others for the benefit of your own... for friendship?’[/color] She continued, staring at him with arms still folded, hoping to hear him elaborate. He shook his head, clearly disapproving of what she said. Or maybe it was how she said it? [color=red]"Not plaguing others. Helping us. Misfits. Rejected. Needing acceptance."[/color] He looked away from her semi-invisible form. this was... A raw, tender nerve for him. Creep stood silent for a bit, watching him become uncomfortable. [color=97d5e6]‘So that's how it is. A group bound together by a common desire for camaraderie and belonging somewhere, committing crimes to keep yourselves relevant and fed. Is that it?’[/color] She asked, continuing to look after where he turned his head. Wisp couldn't tell much from the direction the Rocker's second in command was looking. He appeared to simply be staring at a couple of the grunts who were lazing about. [color=red]"No!"[/color] he responded quite harshly, keeping his tone down albeit with some difficulty. [color=red]"Not a group. Just... Just us."[/color] Shatterpoint's usually calm and stoic demeanor had given way to something else entirely. His voice sounded almost childish, like this were a tantrum. [color=red]"We're done about me. Report?"[/color] She flinched a little at his rebuttal, becoming afraid that she had pushed him too far and he was now going to advance on her for it. But... no, that wasn't the case. Fortunately, she still wore the blindfold, and any potential fear wouldn't have been visible. But... alright. She sighed, audibly enough that he could hear it. She had hoped to get some insight into who he was as a person, and she had, sure, but not as deep as she had hoped. He hadn't explained it to her, just a few words which would have to serve as guidelines. ... Okay, then. [color=97d5e6]‘Fine. I’ll tell you what I learned that was new to me. And I’ll tell you why I asked.’[/color] She adjusted her steps to stand before him confidently as she continued, her tone serious. [color=97d5e6]‘The leader of the Community, Patriarch, is a high-ranking Master-Striker that touches someone and then makes them his minion. He doesn’t actively control them, but he rewrites their will, their hopes and dreams, so that they become his loyal servant that'd do anything he asks of them. He puts a single hand on you, and you'd happily become his agent who’d willingly sell out all those you hold dear. And the worst part? You don't have any idea who he might have touched. They're probably among your ranks already, people he has touched but haven't revealed yet. Unwilling spies working for him as if willingly. Honestly, [i]I'm[/i] a danger, as I was just at his rally. What if I was captured and I'm actually just [i]pretending[/i] to have got away safely? ... I know I'm not, but if I was captured and touched by Patriarch I'd be saying the very same thing.’[/color] She looked at him long and hard as she continued. [color=97d5e6]‘He had police officers guarding the rally, who without a doubt he had touched previously. He showed off his new addition to the family, Sonika, I'm sure you know of her. He told of his intentions to make everyone in the entire city join his family, implying he has no max number of servants and that it doesn't wane with time. And at the end, he warned that the Rockers had obtained a Stranger. I don't know how he found out, probably from one of his unknown agents, but he'll be ready for me in the future. What I feel this means? That he dares to announce this so publicly, about his powers and naming the Rockers? He's coming for you soon, and I don't think you can win. So, unless becoming part of his "family" together appeals to your idea of friendship, I’m going to suggest you flee this city.’[/color] She said, eyes frowning. [color=97d5e6]‘I asked about your reasons for being a villain because I was wondering what might be a reason to put yourself in danger against foes like that. I find your excuse insufficient, so I’m going to recommend you warn others and hightail. I'm going to tell the local Protectorate about this, hope that they call in the big guns on the Community before it’s too late. But, in case they've already been made part of his family, I want you to ensure the Protectorate somewhere else is informed as well. They need to bring him down before he has claimed enough people that we’ll be powerless to stop him. ... That's all.’[/color] She finished, sighing out as she had finally said all she wanted to. Shatterpoint remained stoic as each knew piece of information was introduced and Creep gave her advice. He shook his head. [color=red]"Thank you for the information, it's helpful. And while I apprecaite your concern, I can't take your advice. We can win. We have to. I'll tell Ceramix this news and I'll see how to proceed. If he deems it neccasary he'll inform the Protectorate as well. If that is all, then we'll meet at Lincoln Park in three days."[/color] His tone of voice suggested that the conversation was over and he began walking away, doubtless to get into contact with Ceramix. She squeezed her fists a little at the statement that he can win, frowning a bit. You and what army, she couldn't help but think. They had Xolotl, Sonika, numerous other capes, whoever Patriarch might be keeping secret, while Shatterpoint had... ... ... [color=97d5e6]‘Okay, then.’[/color] Was all she said, before she wiffed her image away in a shroud of smoke should Shatterpoint still have her slightly in his field of vision. Now, she could just have instantly vanished, but she did want to give the impression of being a slight bit more theatrical. But, suppose that was it, then. Creep turned and left, feeling a bit annoyed at Shatterpoint insisting he could win when she couldn't see how. But... very well, then. Next stop, Protectorate HQ. She hadn't want to go before talking to Shatterpoint because... well, if it turned out they were all already on Patriarch's side, at least Shatterpoint had now walked away safely to inform others. Hopefully. Actually, before that... Creep decided she had another thing she could do.