[quote=@Crimson Paladin] On the topic of Wolfenstein II and Far Cry 5, here's my more detailed take on it. Far Cry 5's reaction seemed to come about as a reaction to the title art, before the details of the game's plot had been unveiled. It was a premature reaction for sure, and naysayers should've waited until learning about the game's actual premise before deciding whether or not they have a problem with it. I personally think the most amusing about this fiasco, however, is when the NeoGAF crowd and their ilk got upset and lost interest in the game upon learning that the antagonists [i]weren't[/i] simply white midwestern bible thumpers like everyone had prematurely assumed. I don't know if people continued to ignorantly complain about it after the game's premise was elaborated on, but if they did, that's pretty dumb of them. Wolfenstein II's marketing was probably in both poor taste given the tensions of the recent election and, in my opinion, a poorly conceived attempt to be hip and current, but the anti-SJW crowd shouldn't have reached so far to take offense when none was intended. The media misrepresented the outrage to make it seem like the naysayers were objecting to the killing of Nazis, rather than the perception that they were being wrongfully equated to Nazis, but it doesn't excuse getting upset over what should've have been nothing. [/quote] I don't know how Wolfenstein 2 marketed. (Seems to be purposely aiming for the same pandering as "the golden circle" was, just doing a quick search.) But Far Cry putting their villain on their box was bitched about in 4 too and it was just as stupid then...Sure, it's generic to have 'evil rednecks' but if they can make good villains out of them, who the fuck cares.