[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmE3YWFkMi5WR2hsSUVkbGJtVnlZV3csLjAA/asket.narrow-light.png[/img] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/515/4a61b1bc5f0fbcfe0fc02c98b99c6938678278b7.jpg?517223[/img] [@GlitchyBugger][@BladeSS4][/center] [hr] "[color=8493ca]Not with you. With professionals. Prostitutes. The 'No means Yes' type of deal. Anything else can be binned.[/color]" A swift, brutish swing of his hand would have the older man snag the handkerchief from the lass he was partnered with, before employing it on the remarked stained on his visage. The General was not one for delicacy and care, nor immense camaraderie. A true professional, one that could work with many profiles, but didn't seem to enjoy any of them. "[color=8493ca]These men are, for the most part, dead. Admittedly, you may want to keep an eye on those in your four o'clock. They hold a position my men may not be able to successfully compromise. Nonetheless, you should focus on this new 'Special Operatives' the Summit created.[/color]" With another sip, Gozubura waited patiently for a sign of life from the Raikage. It would eventually be answered, with an overwhelming echo from the blind Kage. Bakuto was being cautious, a smart move, but also a risky one if the well-being one was his priority. Gozubura was a very straightforward and merciless man when he left, and there was no reason to assume he had changed since his departure. The truth was that he was quite possibly worse as age slowly consumed him. The General took his time to respond, finishing his coveted coffee while keeping eye contact with his more chatty partner. His gaze said a lot, a form of cue for Yui to prepare herself and go on with the plan they had formulated. He spoke in his usual, deep voice without any effort to have it heard by anyone else than his partner. "[color=8493ca]It is a shame you do not come and join us, Raikage Bakuto. You know I am one for proper behavior. And you also know I am one with a very precise, and well designed plan. When I ask for your presence, it means I want you here, and I'll use leverage if needed.[/color]" Somewhere in Kumogakure, existed one of the art museums one would eventually find in a big settlement. A bit tourist attraction, massively visited by the public. Today, it would have two abnormal visitors, one man and one woman, identical to two individuals who had entered the museum two hours ago, but the staff simply couldn't tell. With the flick of a switch of Gozubura's watch, they would both have a device in their pockets beep. When hearing this, these odd people would suddenly stare right at each other with empty eyes, before dashing at each other's direction. One they'd inevitably tackle each other, a massive explosion could be heard from the Plaza. Casualties and details of damage would be unknown, but considering these were peak hours, one could deduce the death toll would be huge. "[color=8493ca]You will not know how this was performed. And there are more sordid ways to get you to do as I say, Raikage Bakuto. Perhaps a hospital should be my next target?[/color]" His finger slowly slid onto a second switch on his watch. "[color=8493ca]I assume you can hear this? Present yourself to this café, and we shall proceed. Nobody else has to die today, for we are only here to take your life, Raikage Bakuto. And yours alone. It is your duty as a Kage to die for your people, after all.[/color]" A nod at the direction of Yui would be her signal to start keeping an actual watch on what was going on. The explosion would likely get a few jumpy, and backup was surely going to arrive soon. With his hand diving into his coat, he'd whip out a device similar to a detonator, and tossed it at her direction. "[color=8493ca]Some of the fakes will listen to you, some others have the order to blow up once their transmitter beeps with the flick of one of the switches. You know what to do.[/color]" [hr] [center][h2][color=f26522]Rumia Shinrikyo[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LWm7QJl6LBeAwavRx-I38QWASbJV9pXvk6-notFl3a0/https/i.imgur.com/JmfAGwu.gif[/img] [@Pirouette][@Seraphicide][@ZeroXposure][@yoshua171][@Iwa People][/center] [hr] Someone was dying and the dregs of society provided the cure. Kyoka was the brains providing the goods in the new operation going on, but the enforcer was far too aware of the plan that was to be executed. Though as glorious as it may be, the wild bull that was Rumia couldn't help but constantly remind herself of her prey that got away. This behemoth, the jackpot for her pride, had to escape their clutches. While certainly satisfying, she wasn't happy with it. He needed to fall, and she had to be the one to do it, not some Sakana or even her own cousin. Before the red-alert came to be, Rumia could sniff out the abnormal presence near the outskirts. His sensory could barely reach that area, but as someone living in the more questionable parts of town, it'd be easier for the lass to reach onto the farther ends where foreigners would usually enter. The overwhelming amount of chakra in one point, and the unique way it interacted with other forms of chakra, it was impossible for the Shinrikyo to be mistaken. With the giant water attack basically confirming the deduction, Rumia's face swiftly distorted into a scowl. The left half morphed into the sage transformation abomination added to the creepy factor. Sano was here to take the Tsuchikage, but Rumia was here to take Sano. But it seemed the village leader's initiative would halt the shark's attempt to drown the city completely, and turn the water-bubble ability he'd employ against the user. "[color=f26522]Tch. This 'ere is muh prey. Y'all can fuck right off.[/color]" Tentacles emerged from her back, tips dilated in order to emit spheres of concentrated Senjutsu Chakra. Now all whipped together in one direction, the multiple beams fired would covered into one, giant blast fired right at Samehada's direction, and thus, Sano's. She used the blade's overwhelming levels of chakra as a reference when targeting in quite the clusterfuck of a battlefield. A straightforward blast, that that'd keep Sano on hit toes, and perhaps disrupt his water jutsu completely, though perhaps at the expense of the Tsuchikage's own strategy. Nonetheless, the giant beam would leave quite the gaping dent on the water bubble, with every H2O in its way evaporated much faster than the slow-moving magma would. But her combat experience taught the brawler that this monstrosity wasn't going to go down so easily. No, he was her prized prey. He had to put up a fight, at the risk of having all this hype fall flat in a very No Man's Sky kind of way. Cannons now turned Jets, the monstrous girl would have rocketed herself high up in the Iwagakure air, orange eyes fixated onto the Shark that had quite obviously wormed his way out of his current sticky situation. "[color=f26522]C'mon fucka', I ain't need no Kage to kick yer ass again.[/color]"